Friday, February 20, 2009

Flirty Spring

Happy Friday! Another sick day for me, but that doesn't stop me from blogging and diggin' these hot fashions from BB Dakota. I love the bright colors and flirty silhouettes. And did you notice the cute hairstyle in the first picture? Or the adorable sailboat necklace?! Yeah...I like it too.

Check out BB Dakota for nearby store locations. Caution - there is music on their website which may be loud and even make you dance.

I hope to recover soon (very soon), but for now I sit and watch Hulu while tissues pile up next to my bed. Happy Weekend!


Netty said...

And happy friday to you. I wish money grew on trees so i could own every single one of these dresses! The rainbow dress is actually calling my name.

Anonymous said...

I like the striped dress. Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ack! Feel betta, lady. And thanks for sharing these darling looks, despite your icky condition.

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

get better. i like these flirty looks. not sure if this girly tom boy can pull it off, but maybe its worth a try.

paula said...

these are so fun and beautiful. hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Yelle! She's an awesome french pop artist!
Love your blog and love that you're from Raleigh!

Ann Marie said...

Gosh girl, hope you feel better soon enough to enjoy some of the weekend. These are cute frocks and for some reason, I love the girls hair in the first photo!

inkWELL Press said...

Love these colors! Hope you start feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

sorry to hear that you're still sick - i hope you feel better by monday!

i totally dig the blue jacket in the first pic - and that hairstyle! augh! i'm going to have to try to do my own version for work on monday.

Ada Rosman said...

Happy Friday to you as well. Great stuff, love the bright colors! Hope you feel better soon! :)

summer said...

enjoy the endless entertainment of hulu & feel better soon, diana!
thanks for these pretty outfits to dwell on!

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! I love that cute little yellow jacket and I'm totally with you on that sail boat necklace! I's darling!

Joyce said...

I hope you feel better to enjoy a little of the weekend! The sail boat neck- is cute!
Take care my friend! xoxo

SimplyGrove said...

I love the striped dress!! Happy Weekend:)

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

gorgeous styles! hope you feel better soon :)

Cindy said...

ugh - feel better soon. that's an order ;)!

i.d. said...

I love her hair in the first two pics - very 60s! Feel better soon, drink some peppermint tea - that always does the trick for me! x

aimee said...

workplaces are such breeding grounds for illnesses - worse, i think, than kids! rest up, sweets :)

Anonymous said...

i can't wait until spring so i can start wearing cute dresses and clothes like this! hope you feel better soon, my dear. ;)

Unknown said...

feel better, dear. what else but that gorgeous rainbow sundress can make you feel better? :)

Rachel Follett said...

I love the cut of that third dress! So pretty!

drollgirl said...

these outfits are so great, and the model is a dream.

hope you feel better soon.

roberta jane said...

That stripe dress is cute! Looks almost exactly like one I have from Anthropologie from last summer!

Unknown said...

Cool! If only I can fit into anyone of those pretty dresses :D

erin@designcrisis said...

That rainbow striped dress is AMAZING!

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

I want her hair!

Designers' Brew said...

Oh how I wish I could wear that beautiful striped lollipop dress...

giggleness said...

gorgeous pictures!
get well! :)

Anonymous said...

So pretty! Feel better!

Anonymous said...

hope you feel better soon.
lovely spring pics...

Julia said...

I hope you're feeling heaps better, maybe the weekend will help clear everything up for you. I was out sit yesterday too, ugh! I love these happy designs and bold colors, they're so spring-like!

Helen said...

pretty clothes but i love her beehived hair best!

Anonymous said...

Wow- I'd never heard of Hulu! Muchas Gracias!
Also love the model's hair! Fun
Feel better! Much better!

Blair Friedeman said...

oh no, hope you feel better!! That zig zag dress is calling my name.

Chubby Chieque said...

HOPE U FEELING BETTER! Wish spring now but it seems winter here just starting... snowing since yesterday, non-stop...

Have a wonderful Sunday...

hugs ti my sickie friend!

Unknown said...

Get better soon! I hope you have lots of yummy soup and stacks of magazines!
Am loving the spring inspirations, we're ready for a change!

Anonymous said...

Oh feel better soon!!

Dionne said...

I love the yellow jacket! So cute!

Leciawp said...

Oh I hope you're feeling better!! If you are please visit tomorrow - I've got a GREAT guest and I want her to get lots of nice comments :)

Mary-Laure said...

I totally love her colorful style and her great eyes. Very summer-y.

Valerie Rojas Braverman said...

ehhh being sick is the pits! hope you feel better in time for the new week. xo

Anonymous said...

I love all of these picks, esp her updo in the first one!!!! Fabulous Picks, hope you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Love all of these dresses. I'm so excited for spring!!!


Prêt à Voyager said...

Target has a very similar colorful striped dress right now :)


yasmine said...

i hope you're feeling better by now miss diana!

i've been dreaming of spring too. it's been raining every single day.

Anonymous said...

I love these! What adorable clothes. I want spring badly!

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