Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bangle Up

Don't you love these adorable bangles by Lenora Dame?! Created from vintage prints and fabrics these bangles are perfect accessories for your spring wardrobe. The first one is my favorite and the pattern is very similar to how I would like my future blog header to look...the red plaid gets me every time.

Check out more amazing designs and collections on her website.


Anonymous said...

They're darling!

Julia said...

I would love wearing these!

picciolo said...

very pretty, my favourite is the bottom one
: )

Anonymous said...

ooh, i love these. i don't usually wear jewelry, but i want one. thanks for visiting my blog. i am on a mission to visit as many galleries as i can.

abigail said...

do I love them? yes I do! so much!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't they look gorgeous with a pretty summer frock? Very pretty - well spotted!

Cindy said...

love them and can definitely see the red plaid in your blog header.

Anonymous said...

Funny - I was just browsing for jewelry and was drawn in by the great selection of colorful bangles. This must be a sign that it'll be a bangle clad spring!

Ada Rosman said...

They are all so super cute! I also love to use textiles that I find in my travels. I think the red plaid would be great in your blog header!

Wondering Helen said...

Beautiful. I like them as an alternative to plastic bangles, which are cute, but are sometimes overdone. These are just right.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

very clever!...just posted similar design, guess textile bangles r' quite becoming...~time to stack them now on both hands!

Lizzy said...

Those are awesome!

Rachel Follett said...

These are so fun!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

how lovely! these are so pretty :)

peachey said...

ooh, boy. these are fun!

Unknown said...

i LOVE bangles. especially fabric-wrapped ones - i see em everywhere and can't get over how incredibly cute they'd make an otherwise simple outfit look.

Brittany | the Home Ground said...

Love these fabric bangles!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to wear those - esp the top one!

Unknown said...

Love the blue ones :D

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

Now that's a fabulous idea! You can pick up chunky bangles at yard sales (with some luck!) and work some fabric magic. They wouldn't be as cute as these, though. :-) I'd have to say the first is my fave, too -- reminds me of a pic-nic blanket.

Anonymous said...

I love these! I can never resist a cute bangle...

aimee said...

oh, these are nice, and they remind me of a big bangle binge i went on a few years ago, picking out fabrics and wrapping wrapping wrapping... what fun!

Design Scouting said...

love love love!

You Are My Fave said...

I was looking through posts quickly but I had to do a triple take on these beauties. And I'm not even a bracelet person.

Blair Friedeman said...

I love her stuff--such fun colors and all her pieces have so much personality.

Unknown said...

the first one really struck me, too. i like the fabric-y aspect of them.

Leciawp said...


Nihal said...

Pretty nice bangles. But I'm addicted to one metal: gold. And, I love my gold bangles to wear everytime.

Anonymous said...

every time i see fabric or yarn covered bangles, it makes me want to get some right away! these are wonderful!

Courtney said...

Oh those bangles are fantastic! I love them.

ambika said...

I don't really wear bracelets but I *love* bangles and these are awesome.

Stella said...


Vintage Jewelry Store said...

I really love wearing these bangles..Looking to be you have good stuff of bangles. The above bed bangle is looking very good.

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