Monday, March 2, 2009

Hello Feet

Remember my Love for Feet and the Unravelling: Ways Of Seeing My Self creative online photography course? As promised here are some of the images from my first assignment to photograph my feet. The first two photographs were taken during my sick day, thus the lazy feet at the end of my loving bed, the mound of tissues on the floor, and my favorite slippers. The last photo is simply...I'm short, Dave's tall and it always makes for a tip-toed kissing experience. Overall the class has been fun and thought provoking...I'm excited to see my photographs evolve. I only wish for a better camera instead of my dinky point-and-shot digital camera. One day...but for now it will have to do!

I hope you had a wonderful's to a healthier, more productive week ahead.


  1. Love that first photo..and you did well!! Tip toeing kissing is fun..though I don't have to do that :P Have a great week..

  2. Thank you! Oh yes...I'm short so I do lots of tip toeing!

  3. This is the cutest post!And I imagine a rather fun assignment:)
    wishing you a productive week too!

  4. Well done, these are fun! Have a wonderful first week of March...hope Spring is on its way, what's up with the snow, huh?!

  5. oh these are fabulous- you got rather photogenic feet :), loooove the varnish ;)
    i completly get what you mean about the dinky camera, i loved mine and when it broke i was devastated, but it was the best thing that happend to me! (sorry my little pixi) now i got a much better camera and i see a huge difference to my photos- which is so encuraging .
    well have a nice week

  6. i love your feet, especially in the last photo. you can get a lot of magic out of that point n click - don't knock it ;). the true art is with the person using it.

  7. Great photos!! I think you did a fab job with your camera. It is the eye behind the lens that captures the moment, the camera is your assistant. xoxo

  8. Fun post! I'm trying to improve my camera skills also.

  9. I think these are wonderfully creative and love how they tell a sweet narrative! Hope you have a healthy and productive new week!

  10. aw! What a fun post. Hope you are on the road to recovery!

  11. I really like these, Diana! They tell stories about you, with only your feet. Nicely done :)

  12. Look how cute your feet are! Glad you are enjoying the class.

  13. I love the last image sooooo much!!

  14. I think you're doing a pretty fab job with your "dinky point and shoot" camera! That last shot is awesome.

  15. I love them all, but that first on in particular! I can't wait to see what else you do.

  16. I spend a lot of time taking photos of my feet. I think I take more photos of feet than anything else. Sick day slippers=<3

  17. My partner who claims NOT to read my blog has told me we bloggers seem to have a problem with feet - we take lots of photos of them. Could be right. I seem to have a few feet photos myself.

  18. Ooooh I think the one of you on your tip toes is so sweet! Xoxo

  19. these are beautiful~ especially the kiss one:)
    i adore.
    x ashley

  20. these are great! so cool you're taking a photo class!

  21. oh my goodness!
    these are all so, so great.
    really fun to look at- you did such a fabulous work for your assignment.
    i especially love the tip-toe one. how sweet!

  22. Awww...the last one is adorable. You're so lucky you have cute tootsies...Photographing my feet would be my worst nightmare. I think they're my most hated body part. :)

    I'm dying to try one of her courses {and to buy a REAL camera}. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Hello Feet, how are you? These are so adorable, I like feet photos....


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