Friday, March 13, 2009

Spare some Change?

Designers Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Hische created type using coins. Yes...those are coins! Sagmeister organized a massive typographic public art installation incorporating over 250,000 eurocents to spell out the phrase “Obsessions make my life worse and my work better.” Check out the process and more photos at his blog and through Flickr.

What are you obsessing about this weekend?

{found via TypeTheory}


Anonymous said...

Damn. Projects like this make me feel like the most impatient person in the world. Amazing work.

Joyce said...

A neat idea!Have a great weekend!!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

wow! this looks absolutely stunning!

Cindy said...

these are amazing!

drollgirl said...

OH!!!!! i wish i had been in on this fun.

Deniz said...

i adore big art like that!
(linked this post to my blog, hope thats ok :))

evencleveland said...

The best part is that it only lasted a day - the cops noticed it, and swept it up, fearing that people would steal the coins.

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

love it! such intesity!

ashley said...

great find~
and happy week-end
x ashley

Chocolate and Steel said...

holy smokes! it's so cool looking.

Anonymous said...

Totally terrific blog worthy post! Thanks so much it is tres charmante!

Ms Unreliable said...

My little bowl of international currencies suddenly seems so insignificant! :D

littlebyrd said...

That looks really cool! Have a great weekend!

Helen said...

i remember doing something like that in junior school! we made it into a big pudsy bear i think for children in need.

kendalee said...

Definitely nothing as interesting as this on my weekend obsession list. These are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Great project - but check out what happened to it after the Amsterdam Police got involved...

Unknown said...

i am always in awe of what we are able to come up with.

Unknown said...

omg these are so cool!

Miss Cavendish said...

How I love this! What a terrific idea.

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

this is so incredible! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Yet another crazy, cool 'how did they think of that' installation! And I'm loving that quote too...

Obsessing? Me? Never...okay, actually I'm obsessing this weekend about catching up with all the emails and chores I let slide during the week. I HATE having them hanging over my head!

Unknown said...

Stunning, I can stare at this forever.

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, wow! Now that is incredible. I am currently obsessing about finding the perfect images for a wedding board I am working on..

Unknown said...

that is so neat, i love a concerted public effort to make art. Wonderful! i'm obsessed with finding more vintage buttons, more more more!

Kasey said...


lotta said...

amazing art in transition...

Rachel Follett said...

The outcome is lovely! It would take a lot of patience to make that. Very cool!

Gracia said...

This is super! Thanks for sharing...

madame M. said...


Esti said...

... and I can't agree more!

what a good idea...

Holly said...

oh, how i adore the creativity of people like this...

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

What a cool idea, I love installation art like this

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

This is amazing! I've never seen before.

I'm obsessing with how I can find a job I actually love. Or I'll take "like" at this point. :-)

Anonymous said...

You find some great stuff!

Anonymous said...

this is so cool! how fun that would've been to see in person.

Jaimee McClellan said...

Absolutely Amazing!!!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...


Josephine said...

wow! incredible!

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