Monday, March 23, 2009

Vintage Find

This weekend was full of vintage office supply finds like this metal rubber stamp holder. Besides storing stamps I think this piece could serve many purposes like holding jewelry, small tubes of notions or spices, candles and even photographs. For 2 bucks, you can't beat the distressed and industrial appeal!

What did you find this weekend?


  1. $2 for that lovely time worn stand?!! ahh! that is a tremendous find!
    how lovely!
    i did not find anything, i dedicated my whole weekend to ... taxes!

  2. wow, that is an amazing find!!

  3. I passed up one of those at the thrift awhile back, and now I could kick myself! lol.

    I posted on my blog about my few finds... nothing too exciting. A jar, some frames...

  4. This is an incredible find. What a great idea for jewelry!

  5. This is a great find!I didn't do any shopping this weekend. I did post my finds from last weekend last Wed. What else did you pick up?

  6. Pleasie, that is gold I tell ya. That is such a great find. LOVE it.

    I took care of a sick daughter this weekend. No vintage finds for me. But she needed me.

  7. that rubber stamp holder..Have a great week :D

  8. like that it says made in usa on top

  9. Hey!
    thanks for commenting :)
    i love the stand! i wish they would have more vintage stores in my neighboorhood.
    hope you have a good day!
    Bye xx

  10. I wonder if you could hang cups on it. Don't you just love great, but cheap finds?!

  11. Wow that's amazing. Only 2 bucks! I love it. I didn't having any luck this weekend, but last weekend I found a great piece and did a little before and after on it that I blogged about today!

  12. oh you know i love any vintage find you post :) visit me here 1st sundays of the month and i'll take you to my absolute favourite vinatge flea market!!!

  13. That's amazing! I'm going to be on the lookout for one now too!!!

  14. I ADORE THAT! Oh how I'd love to have something similar to hang my bangles upon.

    I unearthed some funky chain belts at Salvos ... such fun!

  15. I wish we lived in the same town. I would so love to go shopping with you!!

  16. I went antiquing again this weekend (for a friend!) but did come home with some fun stuff for myself... a big purple letter "A" for my daughter Abigail's room, a vintage scarf for myself and a vintage tablecloth! FUN FUN! I love this little stamp holder... I wonder if you could get a wide mouthed (but shallow?!?) glass cup and slip them in there to hold rings or little trinkets. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Genius. Absolutely genius. You always find great vintage things!

  18. what a great jewellery hanger! i seriously need one of these, great find! :)

  19. I actually found lots of collectable tea cards - I didn't know such a thing existed, but now I'm finding there are websites specifically dedicated to such things!

  20. That is really cool! I need something like that to keep my necklaces from getting all tangled up.

  21. i am glowing with jealousy! i have the hardest time finding displays for jewelry - they seem to always be the ones 'not for sale' in antique shows/stores. SUPER find!

  22. Fabulous find! Wow, I want!

    PS. Thanks so much Diana for putting up my Mod Square pillow on your sidebar, and for your good wishes for Mo, both are deeply and truly appreciated. xo Vic

  23. Wow! What a great find!!! This weekend I happened upon some "must-have-yarn" and perfect vintage fabric.

  24. what a cool find. I need something like that for my earring you know exactly what you have. perfect.

  25. What a great treasure -- and a fantastic way to repurpose it!

  26. OK, now this is cool. You do find the most interesting items, and what a great price!

    BTW: I have give-away that I just posted. Would love to see you enter.

  27. That is sweet! And for $2? NICE!

  28. you are killing me! what a find.

  29. i am so stealing this idea.

  30. you always great+fab finds...Luv you for thinking outside the box!

  31. oooh! love! this weekend, i found...some fabulous new books!

  32. That's awesome! What a fun idea.

  33. $2! I can't believe it! I love this. Wonderful find.

  34. what an eye you have. terrific new piece.

  35. What an awesome find! Love it, thanks for sharing!

  36. Oh it's just gorgeous. You find the BEST things! A-M xx

  37. What a fantastic find. $2 you say. A bargain and it looks so good. Use it just as you are. Brilliant.

  38. This is way cool. I found lots of stuff this weekend but nothing as innovative and unique as this!

  39. very cute indeed!! I have given you no less than 4 award/tags over at my place! :)

  40. Only $2? Are you serious? What a great score!

  41. such a great deal and i love how you're using it!

  42. oh my gosh so amazing. I am jealous of your find!

  43. Unfortunately, I got lost in the abyss that is Ikea and of course, they did not have anything that I came for! But it looks like you found a sweet treasure and such a steal too! I love searching for that little something special...hopefully the next time out will be a success.

  44. this is fabulous! and only 2 dollars? complete steal. love your blog by the way :)

  45. I didn't find anything - but that is great! And I love the "made is USA", the perfect vintage, rare (unfortunately) touch!

  46. yep. i'd use it as a jewelry holder. and i could use it right now.

  47. Two bucks?!? My kind of treasure. Good work by you! I think my favorite new treasure is the vintage Statue of Liberty I got to add to my collection last week. She wasn't two dollars, though. :-)


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