Monday, April 6, 2009

The Best Weather Forecasts

Happy Monday - did you have a good weekend? The weather in North Carolina was fantastic, but then today we got rain, rain and more rain! Speaking of weather - if you're a weather channel lover check out a new way to view local forecasts around the world with the weather website by Kurtli Riedi. Even if you aren't a weather fanatic, the simple collages are pure fun and provide a little glimpse into your favorite cities. Check out more cities and collages here.

I think I'll take the sunny weather in Prague today!

{found via always fabulous Lolita}


  1. I love the weather website and the lovely spring weather we had this weekend, until last night when it SNOWED!!!
    a lot.

  2. I like the weather website. We had warm sunny day on Saturday, cold on Sunday with snow at night! Monday overcast with snow on the ground! LOL... Enjoy your day! xoxo

  3. these are so cool! we had snow in minneapolis this weekend. prince should have sung "it ALWAYS snows in april. . . " because it always does.

  4. it is snowing here like crazy, but nothing is sticking because of all the nice weather we've had. It's very, very strange! I think I'll go with you to Prague.

  5. Yeah - I hear there is snow in the NC mountains - like wtf - where is spring?

  6. love these! waiting for the rain to hit out here on the vineyard

  7. these are so great ... wind never looked so good!

  8. What a fun post!
    Here in PA. we had sun, sun, sun yesterday, but same as you, rain, rain, rain today.

  9. what a perfect pair...i love weather and collages! i wish the nyc weather would look like prague's right about now. xo

  10. These are so cool - love this idea!

  11. Those are fantastic. We are going to break records and hit 90 degrees today, but tomorrow it is barely supposed to hit 70...

  12. these are so cute! i'd like the Prague weather too please! :)

  13. I love this! I'll take Prague in any weather, but springtime there is definitely my favorite. Sunshine and tulips covering the city. Yum.

  14. Oh, wow those are quite cool! Yes, the weather in Prague sounds lovely!

  15. What a beautiful way to express the weather! It's been sunny all weekend here, but now I feel trepidation about the weather as I drive across the country this week!

  16. Wow, those are some awesome forecasts!

    Today it's sunny and cool in Austin. The trees are leafing out and flowers are blooming. Wonderful.

  17. well, i don't usually check the weather, but with graphics like this, i might have to make it a habit! what a great find!

  18. oh thank you so much for posting this, sooo awesome

  19. Oh so fun. I totally agree with you. I'm missing I was in Prague as well.

    NY has been rainy all day!!!

  20. I'm with you on that one too - sunshine please! Ours has disappeared again... These are great!

  21. Love this report! I'm sad they don't have Detroit though. Chicago usually has different weather than we do. I can dream of going to far off destinations, though!

    And Prague's sun sounds a lot better than the snow we're getting today.

  22. Did they have the weather report for Sydney, Australia?

  23. these are awesome! sometimes i forget how easily we can apply design to our everyday lives! the beautiful weather always brings the best inspiration!

  24. lucky for me, we had very nice weather here in so cal.

  25. oh i love these forecasts! so creative!
    & yes it was a looovely weekend. great weather too!

  26. These are awesome! And yes, Prague it is.

  27. wow! these are charming the socks off me!

  28. Yeah, I'm going with Prague too! :-)

  29. so fun .. love those. we had great weather over the weekend but back to rain today. i'm hoping all these april showers brings lots and lots of may flowers!

  30. wow, what a wonderful idea for a website! those are such great images. :) (and it was COLD and windy in GA today-- no fun!)

  31. Happy Monday Diana! We had our first real day of sun yesterday - above 70 degrees! - and another one today. Glorious. Rain in the forecast for later this week.

  32. What a wonderful website....such fun images! It was finally super sunny here in the Pacific Northwest! Perfect weather: high 60s to low 70's, crystal clear blue sky, no clouds insight & NO RAIN! :D

  33. these are cute - i love checking out daily weather forecasts for cities around the world. and if it involves travel, i don't care what the weather is like - i'll take any of them!

  34. Cool! you find the best images online :D

  35. I am loving these weather pictures.

  36. Visual communication at its best I think...
    PS: I've added you to my link list...shall we trade? Love you long time! ~XO* as always

  37. I must check that out! These are awesome.

  38. Portland" 75F, sunshine, no clouds....
    i'll be in the lab the entire day, BOOOO!

  39. It's a great site!
    Cool! There are Rome and Milan for Italy ^__^

  40. oh that's so cute! what a wonderful way to illustrate the weather!

  41. LOVE these...wish the weather was as pretty as these pics!

  42. these would look lovely framed!


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