Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Inspiring Interiors

A swinging bed on the porch? Yes, please! I like the mix of modern and traditional styles in the interior photographs by Kim Cornelison. Besides the porch bed, the mini-bar on wheels has me drooling with delight...it's adorable. The pops of wall color are fun too, but I'm still on the fence about the bright lime green. I'm not sure how long I could live with it - what do you think?


  1. I like the lime green. Maybe in a small space. The swinging bed on the porch - I'd never want to get from it!

  2. i agree. tempting, but i'm not sure if i could do it long-term. but that porch-bed? oh, yeah.

  3. beautiful selection of photos! i want that yellow cabinet!

  4. Oh, the colors! The COLORS! I need to change my dining room from sage to lime immediately.

  5. I'm in love with that first image! And that yellow cabinet is great - would love one of those (and a place to put it). I don't think I could live with that shade of green either.

  6. The swinging bed on the porch and the bright blue wall paper with white designs has my heart a poundin!

  7. Completely with you...was fixated on that cart immediately, but that bed...oh, my.

  8. That swing bed is like nothing I've ever seen. I love it!

  9. I have been having the same struggle with lime green and my jury is still out for me--sometimes I see it and love it and other times it hurts my eyes. Oh, love the teal blue wallpaper in that hallway.

  10. I love the blue wallpaper, and that bed, oh!
    : )

  11. These are more beautiful than I can handle! I must snag the links to these and keep them in my inspiration folder!

  12. Oooh, I'm loving the blue damask wallpaper!!!
    And I could totally live with the lime green - it would have to be a space that got a lot of natural light - but it could be really cool!

  13. beautiful and inspiring collection!

  14. ooh! i love the porch bed! or at least a hammock in my porch.

    i love the color pops in her photos. very very nice.

  15. Love the lime green and orange walls!

  16. oh.. back years ago when JD and i first moved to seattle we did one wall in our apartment the green that you have shown and a different wall in the kitchen the orange also shown. I loved them for about two years and then they reached the end of their life. our current color scheme includes white on white with a mix of textures and materials. i hope that last longer than 2 years!

  17. that swinging bed is amazing! i wish i could flop there right now.

  18. Lovely photos!! I love that little white cart! Perfect for serving tea!

  19. I love color in pictures, but find it hard to live with in real life. Maybe some huge, colorful canvases instead?

  20. Lime Green? I would be over it before the paint would be dry!

  21. i'd go for the lime green - maybe a shade less electric but still bright and bold.

  22. These are great. The first one (with the aged wall) is my favorite.

  23. i love it! except the green and orange walls! i couldn't live with them for longer than a few weeks

  24. The swing bed is fabulous however I worry that whoever designed it forgot about sex lives? That bedside table would be knocked over in seconds. Sorry to get crass.

  25. Bar cart...LOVE!

    I love bright colors in everyone else's houses...but I don't think I could do in my (muted, boring) home. :-)

  26. Yes lovely papered hall, gorgeous yellow cabinet, and swingin' bed...love these!

  27. What great pictures, I especially love the top 3...and the bed swing? Too cute!

  28. I am in love with the orange and green rooms side by side!

  29. seriously, that swinging bed, wow!I am partial to the green accent wall too, a bold color but not too overpowering.

  30. I want that swing bed...The Hempel hotel in London has a floating bed which I adore too!LUV!!

  31. How super cool... i have that white round table!!!! How have you been?

  32. I would love to spend an afternoon reading and swinging on that beautiful porch!

  33. The 'floating' bed is really cool!

  34. I love, love, love color. I satisfy my need for change by painting random walls in our apartments different colors (the others are a linen white). We had this lime green on a wall in our living room for about 6 months. Liked it, but didn't love it. Went back to my mellow yellow wall.

  35. I love especially the way you've put these photos together! Gorgeous!

  36. totally smitten with each of these! LOVE the little bar cart; i'm currently searching for one as cute as that.


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