Monday, April 27, 2009

It's Time

Here's a sneak peak of the vintage goodness found at this year's Liberty Antique Festival. The weather was HOT, but there was a good turnout of vendors with reasonable prices (which is a great sign in this economy). I love the text and color of these clocks - even the broken ones. More to come after real job responsibilities are taken care of...unfortunately paying the bills is an important first!


Victoria said...

Looks like you found some real goodies! Love the colors!

pigeon.toed said...


Leciawp said...


Anonymous said...

We are waiting.

picciolo said...

lovely picture, I hope someone nurses these back to health!
: )

Rachel said...

Great picture!! I would love one of those little clocks!
Glad you were able to escape work early and head out there. Can't wait to see the rest of your pics!

littlebyrd said...

Very nice picture! I can't wait for the follow up :)

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

so much vintage goodness! :)

Lizzy said...

I'm so excited to see what else there is!

Angela said...

yeah. that bill paying thing....

Chris said...

Love the clocks! I've been interested in them recently, especially the bright poppy ones like you show here. But ugh, bills!

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, definitley great colors. Happy to hear about the great prices!

Anonymous said...

oh I can't wait!

SimplyGrove said...

LOVE the colors!!!

Unknown said...

Nice colours!

jae said...

terrific teaser.

Michelle Parks McCourt said...

these are great.

katy elliott said...

I love these clocks!

Unknown said...

you always find the most fabulous pieces. I love every single item here!

Feyz Mehri said...
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