Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lines & Color

I love the bright colors and imagery in these paintings by Erik Railton.

Railton says, "Painting for me brings back good memories. My painting reflects different times of my life and the memories associated with them. Growing up in the northwest I found myself spending time outside in nature . The thought of those times defines my life and I find myself comforted when I reflect on them." His insight is wonderful and I can see how nature has influenced his stunning work.

On a side note, another busy, busy day. I hope to catch up with all of you soon. Going for my second cup of chai tea and resisting the urge to frantically run or quit!


Anonymous said...

That middle piece is fantastic. I'd so hang that in my living room!

Ann Marie said...

i really like these. good find.

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

the colours are so lovely, love the shapes too!

Karen said...

Beautiful images. Hope tomorrow is less busy for's almost the weekend!

Alyssa said...

Love the colors - beautiful.

Sara Christine said...

Oh I'm so impressed these are paintings. I took them for some sort of graphic design. Gorgeous use of colors and shapes!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

gorgeous colors & symbolism... Take care busy bee! ~Tea & honey for you ;)

Fiesta Lady said...

Love the last pic!

Mary-Laure said...

I love them all. Thanks for introducing me to this artist's bright world!

Leciawp said...

Hope you catch your breath soon my friend!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Lovely images! I love chai too and dont worry...weekend's here....

kendalee said...

Love these! Chai makes everything better... :)

Joyce said...

Very colorful and fun. I like the first one! Hope tomorrow is slower. xoxo

made sweet said...

love it! bold color is my favorite.

paula said...

I love the pop of color.

heidi said...

Paying it forward today! Thanks, Diana!!!! xoh

Unknown said...


Cindy said...

hang in there, girl! the weekend is just about here!

erin@designcrisis said...

Hope your day gets better!

Unknown said...

these are *so* beautiful. graphic and expressive.

hope your friday eases up a bit. have a sweet, relaxing weekend!

get zapped said...

I adore this work! And living in the PNW, I can relate. Nature inspires art without us looking for it. Thanks!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

These are super gorgeous.

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE the colour!
ENJOY your weekend!

Stella said...

I love these works; nature is a great source of inspiration :)

Have a nice weekend

Hey Harriet said...

Love that top piece! Hope your day improved and that you have a wonderful Easter weekend.

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful! i love how graphic they feel and how you can't see the brush strokes at all.

avant garde design said...

reminds me of the late works of matisse and his paper cuttings. i love bold larges shapes like that...sometimes it doesn't have to be complicated. :)

Angela said...

i like the first work.

Anonymous said...

I like the abstract in these (is that right) they are an abstract painting? I hope you enjoyed the long weekend.

nelya said...

The second is especially beautiful...lovely color combinations.

aimee said...

great colors and beautiful graphics - wow!

handmade painting said...

the best choice for decorative painting.
Abstract decoration was also cold at the abstract and abstract heat.

Anonymous said...

Love this images. Checking out Erik's website...

Diana said...


Unknown said...

this is my kind of art. i love paintings that you can design a room around.

Anonymous said...

I really like the colors on these 3 paintings! It almost seems they are telling a story themselves.

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