Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Photographer Emma Mitchell has a great sense of color, light and composition. I love the use of vintage items, natural spaces and washed out colors. Today I need lovely pictures to ease my overwhelmed mind. I don't even want to be at work, but rather painting, stitching or sleeping. Do you have those kind of days too?


  1. in all honesty....having one now...

  2. Glad I'm not alone! Gosh...what a week!

  3. Love the color palate in these photos. Hope your work day goes by quickly and you can soon be doing that which would make you happier!

  4. Me too. I have to work tomorrow and already thinking I wish I didn't have to go in. lol...

  5. Stripes and numbers! Today is getting better already.

  6. Ooooh. These are calming.

    I'm in that place too today. I have a million ideas for projects rattling around in my head, but none of them include my actual job, which I am paid for and expected to do.

  7. love these
    love, love love the one with the eiffel tower
    ....would love to be sleeping

  8. i really love these! i would love to get to that point someday.

  9. Shabby chic at its best.

  10. Oh man, these were just what the doctor ordered! Such a good feel.

  11. I heart the top and bottom left images. The muted colors, the compostion.... so pretty.

  12. Yes I am having one now!

  13. Those images are making me swoon -- those washed out colors, the vintage it.

  14. what lovely photos, so sweet!

    ps, glad you like the blue room too :)

  15. literally every day is like that for me. my job is mind-numbingly dull, alternating with terribly stressful. i cannot wait to break free from beige cube-world.

  16. i'm having that kind of day right now.

  17. You took the words out of my mind. Just lovely and a great little treat for me as I take a detour from doing work and reading my fav blogs.

  18. I love the lighting and how it gives these vintage items and even more authentic feel. My favorite is the little Eiffel Tower on the tower of pillows.

  19. You uncover the most beautiful things. I'm so happy you share them with us!

    I'm kind of in that mood now, I'm itching to make something! x

  20. These are dreamy photos. And yes, I know those days you speak of. I hope you are able to spend some time soon doing them!

  21. I have those days often... These are mighty gorgeous photos :)

  22. I adore the almost mint colors in your post, they are very truly dreamy and a reminder that spring is here.

  23. Lovely alright..I have such days too...only all the time ;p

  24. so lovely. I especially like the photo of the chair with the moss growing through the floor.

  25. Lovely is the perfect title. You got me so loving all of them.

  26. lovely, lovely images! I have those days, yes indeed. I hope you're feeling more energetic tomorrow. xoxo

  27. it is gorgeous out and all i want to do is play in the park!
    PS lovely images.

  28. ditto me. ohhhhh yes, ditto me.

    (i love that photo on the left with the lil plants!)

  29. What an incredible set of images. I just sighed out loud!

  30. Wow. These photos are so amazing. And exactly what I needed tonight. I completely know how you feel.

  31. Ohh what a sincere confession, that made me smiley:)
    #but rather painting, stitching or sleeping. Do you have those kind of days too?
    Yeap, when I'm dieing from work and/or getting frustrated from this cold screen, then I want to be busy w/my hobbies to change the air like some painting, patchworking, going to marina or yes sleeping. These days are the 1st days of Spring and all seems 'new' and 'different' to me. So I stopped hobbying but concentrated for nature viewing and absorbing sunshine:)
    Hope you had a lovely Easter, Di. With all of my best to you and yours.

  32. Lovely, indeed. I love the soft colors. So spring!

  33. such pretty colors - very calming. great collection!

  34. Very nice; I share a similar appreciation for this genre of photostyling. I wish I knew how to create it; a finer camera than I am accustomed to is on loan to me, so I am playing with learning it...dreaming of someday owning one of my own.

    Found you via twitter and am glad that I did :) jana


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