Monday, April 20, 2009

The Move

I forgot how time consuming, stressful and hellish moving was. I was quickly reminded on Saturday when all my stuff was moved down narrow flights of stairs and into my new space. I will NEVER...I repeat never, ever, ever live on the third floor again or anything higher unless there is a big, freight elevator and I can afford to pay movers. Even though my entire body aches from packing and lifting...I'm glad to be in a new space with new possibilities ahead.

I made a list of things I will NOT miss about my old apartment because it made all the body aches and pains seem even more worth it. Here's my top 10:

1. F%&cking third floor. Those stairs and trying to bring up groceries, my bike or anything heavy.
2. Weird smells...I still don't know what they were.
3. Overall bad and dated construction...the bathroom wallpaper needed to be returned to the early 1980's.
4. High bills for not so high lifestyle apartment.
5. Wasps building nests outside my door. I have a severe fear of bugs...especially ones that bite.
6. Neighbor not cleaning up after her dirty, barking dog.
7. Warnings against car theft on the bulletin board...that's reassuring.
8. Faraway mailbox where scary (possibly stalkerish) people like to stand and have long, awkward conversations with you.
9. My neighbor playing his loud, wall vibrating organ at 11:00 pm.
10. Living by can get lonely and there is no one to help get rid of any lurking bugs!

Needless to say I am MUCH happier where I am. I feel good about it. Here's to recovering and a bright week ahead....

(image via Hey, Hot Shot! by Mark Menjivar)


  1. hehehe - I like your funny list. I am glad you are somewhere better now. Wishing you a quick recovery and getting settled soon!

  2. YAY for a new place and a fresh start! Here's a housewarming comment for you, Diana. xo

  3. I feel your pain. moving is never fun, but at least there will no longer wasps where you're going...well, one hopes.

  4. Oh hon, sorry to hear the move sucked, but it sounds like you have VASTLY improved your sitch!

  5. Great list and here's to an even greater week in your new place.

  6. Thanks for your support! Whew...still recovering!

  7. loud wall-vibrating organs and dirty dogs and creepy neighbours - oh my!

    it's always a great feeling to have a fresh (stink-free) start. :)

  8. what a great list.
    hope you have a speedy recovery!
    and all the best to you & your lovely new space. how exciting!

  9. that is a good list. i'm glad to know i'm not the only one who has put up with a lot of stupid bad apartment stuff (my move will come this summer, so not looking forward to it. . . .) i hope you feel better soon and enjoy your new place!

  10. Oh man. I am moving this weekend from a 3rd floor apartment to a 4th floor apartment with no elevator! EEK!

  11. Happy move day!

    And I recall actually pitching a couch over a third floor stair railing once. I'm with you on the never living upstairs again!

  12. There are good moves and bad moves. Sounds like yours is a very good one... Good Luck with all of it!

    my best,


  13. Hooray! I share a few of those reasons for not missing my old apartment. Namely the weird smells, the stairs, the bad construction and the dog!

  14. Congrats on your move - sounds like a wise decision. I haul my bags and toddler to the third floor daily. It kinda sucks.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Glad the worst is over. Sending smiles and shoulder rubs your way. Here's to hoping that your new place feels like home very soon!

  17. moving is the WORST. I just got done moving myself and I was so worn out by the end. Although I do love my new place and my new neighborhood, I still havent entirely unpacked because I got very lazy! are you in nyc too?

  18. I agree, moving sucks. I cant imagine doing it from the 3rd floor.

  19. Hope you'll enjoy your new home.

  20. Sounds like moving was the right choice! Your list made me laugh... too funny. Hope you are enjoying your new space - can't wait to see it!

  21. I hate the process, but I love the feeling of having a new place to settle into! Have fun now that the miserable part is mostly over.

  22. Oye, moving is such a nightmare. I always think it won't be so bad, and no matter how little stuff I think I have, I ALWAYS end up with a million boxes weighing a million pounds each. Good luck with the move, and congrats on your new place! xo

  23. Sounds like the move was a MUST... good luck in your new dwelling!

  24. Oh dear, didn't sound like a great spot - but hurray! On to somewhere new.

  25. Glad things went well, and that you are happy in your new digs. (And you are right, moving sucks!)

  26. oh darling, i can relate. I lived alone on the 3rd floor for a few years and HATED doing laundry in the basement... I don't miss the lugging of groceries either. Hooray for your move. I'd love to see pics of the new place!

  27. that is a double whammy. making lists always make everyone happy PLUS it is a list of past things that you no longer have to deal with, score!
    Can't wait to see your new place!

  28. Vibrating organ... giggle. Sorry, my mind went there. Anyway, can't wait to see new pics of your place and I'm glad you don't have to deal with the annoyances anymore.

  29. yeah, i detest moving, too. i heard it's one of the most stressful things in life; it's right up there with, like, divorce and death of a loved one.

    congrats on the new place!

  30. Moving is painful but reading your list sounds even more painful. A very good move I think. Somebody regularly playing a loud organ at 11pm would drive me insane. Yikes!

  31. did you move to a new city or apartment?

    and agh. moving is a bitch, but settling in a nice new place feels good :)

  32. congratulations! So glad that you are happy to be in a new home. And I hope you have lots of fun decorating ahead...

  33. Sorry to move was hellish (moving sucks!) but am happy to hear you're in your new pad!

    p.s. You had a neighbor with an organ? Wowza.


  34. I have been there and done that... Oh my what a hell move--- but you are happy though, right? That is most important.

  35. Good riddance!Just look forward to doing up your new place.Rest first..

  36. Wow! I think you were suppressing all those icky things about your old place and only now can you allow yourself the freedom to go "phew, no more of that!" Viva your new place!

  37. i love that you made a list of all the things you won't miss about your old apartment! have fun setting up the new one-- i always love that part of moving!

  38. so glad that the move is over; now it's on to the fun part.

    we are moving into a third floor (no elevator) apartment & am a little nervous, but think that i used the elevator in my old place a handful of times. eek.

  39. moving is the WORST!!! So glad you're happy in your new place! Liberty looks amazing -- maybe next year I'll come down to visit??

  40. Congrats on the new place! I hope you have fun settling in!

  41. congrats on surviving the move! your list made me laugh! I think it may inspire my own in a few weeks when we do the dreaded move out of our apartment that currently makes us cranky due to reasons including the pint-size kitchen, mouse, eccentric in a bad way landlord, awful lighting, and water issues (turn on the sink and the shower goes scalding hot.)


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