Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wild at Heart

It's hard to resist the beauty and smell of a beautiful arrangement of flowers. Based in London, Wild at Heart has an inspiring online gallery of floral bouquets, arrangements and interiors. Can't you just smell the floral goodness?

One day...yes one day...I will learn the art of arranging flowers! Right now I'm a stick-them-in-a-vase-kind of gal. If only I lived in London and could learn from the designers at Wild at Heart. For now I obsess and dream over their gallery. Oh and by the way - doesn't that vintage table look familiar?


  1. I want to learn the art of arranging flowers too! Whenever I try and put more than one kind of flower in an arrangement it ends up looking like someone stuck the compost pile in a vase.

  2. the styling of the photo with the pink lamp and crystals is my total favourite. a mish mash of old and new works so well in this photo!

  3. My fav too - and yes my flower arranging "skills" are not so good either!

  4. Just gorgeous, especially the shot with the pink lamp!

  5. That vase in the very last photo, right, is GORGEOUS! I've never seen anything like it!

  6. That is just gorgeous Pleasie. I love flowers and I love a great photo. This was just what I needed this morning :)

  7. I love the pink lamp photo. Weird! Just saw it earlier this morning in Bazaar Style book. Great post!

  8. I like the simplicity of arrangements done with only one kind of flower, but these are all really beautiful.

  9. i took classes at their Notting HIll school that was called Be Wild at Heart. It's not there anymore. Was really fun! If you get the chance I'd recommend one off their classes!

  10. and the photos are so rich and vibrant. love the one with the pink 'pixar' lamp.

  11. these are beautiful--i need to start buying fresh flowers for my house again. :)

  12. Those are beautiful... having flowers in the house (thanks for reminding me) really sets the mood on good notes = )

  13. Ooooh I am horrible at arranging flowers too... I'm sooo happy that they usually come arranged lovely from Trader Joe's and I can just plop them into a vase!
    How are you? I have not seen you in my neck of the woods lately... miss you!

  14. so pretty! i had to teach myself to create lovely and effective flower arrangements when i worked as a visual display associate at a dept. store. i surprised myself all the time with what i came up with! and the customers loved it, too.


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