Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It's official...I'm 27 today. Can you believe that little baby me in the photo is now 27? Crazy! Birthdays always bring out the life questions in me - what have I done in 27 years? What will happen at 30? Will I be successful? Where will I be? Will my metabolism actually speed up instead of slow down? Will I finally stop breaking out on my chin? All serious questions...really.

My mind is racing with questions today, but maybe it's better to just drink, eat cake and count my blessings. Yep, that sounds like a much better plan! Here's to sharing a new year with you...we have so much to look forward to. Big hugs, thanks and cheers all around!


patricia zapata said...

Happy birthday! Enjoy your day! :)

Ann Marie said...

Happy Birthday my friend! Have a fabulous day.

susie q said...

Happy birthday! 27 was one of my favorite years!

Your Mother said...

My baby is 27!!!! Oh My ! and I though I was still 36?

Love & Kisses

ticklishfromadistance said...

Have a happy day and wonderful year. 27 is wonderful. 30 even better. No worries!

Jan said...

Happy Birthday Pleasie. 27 is a great year. It was on of my best.

karey m. said...

here's what i was thinking. in your 27 years, you've become someone who makes me smile. who impresses me beyond belief with her style and interests and...most importantly...her grace.

well done, you. cheers to a fantastic and love-filled life.

peachey said...

happy birthday!

27 is super,
30 is superb!

Sharon said...

Wish you a very Happy Birthday! Many happy returns. 27, whatever. You ROCK:)

Josephine said...

happy birthday!

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

Yay! Happy 27 to you Diana! Have a fabulous day.

Waxy said...

Happy Birthday! Have a fantastic day!

Diana said...

happy birthday!

i had an amazing year at 27, and i think it was my favorite (so far!)

K.Line said...

Have a happy, happy day and year!

heidi said...

27 was a faboo year for me too!!!!!!!! Go celebrate, & may all your birthday wishes come true!! xoh

Megan @ Pink O'Clock said...

happy birthday, diana, and may you have an amazing year ahead! xoxo :)

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Happy Birthday! It's kinda neat that we take this day to reflect. Otherwise, it would all be a blur. Cheers!

Ada Rosman said...

Happy Birthday!!! Have a wonderful day and an amazing year! Cheers!

Jessica said...

Have a very Happy Birthday! :)

Rachel said...

Happy birthday! (We're almost twins - I'm tomorrow!)

K said...

happy birthday! hope it's a great one. it does go by fast doesn't it? turned 24 recently and am still experiencing quarter-life crisis... alas. just enjoy today :)

Courtney said...

just turned 28 on the 15th. i had a hard, confusing year last year, saturn returns and all that... but it's getting better and better. good luck, and happy happy birthday!

Wondering Helen said...

Yay! Happy Birthday! Mine was the 13th {and I turned 26}. May birthdays are pretty darn great. Enjoy yours, Diana.

Caroline said...

Happy Birthday!

CashmereLibrarian said...

Happy Birthday! It just keeps getting better. Really.

Victoria said...

Happy Birthday! I know 27 may seem like you are getting up there but from the 40 something hill that I am sitting on, you are still a youngin'!

The House That A-M Built said...

Happy Birthday! I distinctly remember my 27th and I remember thinking at the time, "Yey, I still have my youth". Enjoy every moment! A-M xx

Blair Friedeman said...

Happy Birthday!! I am about to turn 27 too and I am having similar questions go through my head:)

mary said...

Happy Birthday to you!! Have a great day!! :)

Grace@PoeticHome said...

Happy, happy birthday!!!!! I hope all your birthday wishes come true. I just turned 27 myself last week...lots of milestones for us around the corner :)

jess@noelmarie said...

Happy Birthday! I'll be right there with ya at 27 in August. Have fun!

You Are My Fave said...

Hooray for the birthday girl!

And a comment on your thoughts - the other day I yelled at the mirror "I'm 24, I shouldn't have pimples anymore!"

Cindy said...

happy birthday, diana! in a certain way, you're just getting started. have fun! xo, c

jae said...

Mine was the 13th, too. (I see it was Helen's). May birthdays are great...my daughter's is Friday.

I hope your day is filled with magic and a bit of surprise!

Sam said...

Many happy returns! Isn't 27 Saturn returns? Or is it 28? Either way I think it's a big year!

Deniz said...

Happy Birthday! hope you having a fab day and great company
for many more to come

wren said...

oh happy birthday! i usually try and celebrate for at least a week... stretch it out as long as you can.

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday :)

XUE said...

Happy, Happy Day!!!

Sara Christine said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Eat lots of cake and have a cheery day! xoxo

Kate Moore said...

Happy, happy birthday. Yeap, forget the breakouts, the life plans, etc, and eat that cake.

Megan and Melissa said...

Happy, Happy, Birthday! Just think about all the adventures ahead! Hope you had a wonderful celebration filled with laughter and love.

AMM blog said...

Happy, happy birthday!

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Happy birthday!

aksapupa said...

Happy-happy birthday! joyful celebration and friends - that's what should be on the birthday, true :))

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Diana, don't worry so much..que sera sera.... :P

*SNYdesign said...

Happy birthday to you, and I can relate to your life-questions, I'll be turning 27 soon as well:) Have a lovely day!:)

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

Happy Birthday!! hope you have a great day :)

nath said...

happy birthday dear girl

dee said...

Happy birthday, my sweet little D! You deserve to have an amazing day...go enjoy it and drink a couple extra for me, miss sober Sally. Geez, come to think of it, I won't even be able to drink for my bday in September!! So drink a couple more for me, k? xx

Joyce said...

Happy Birthday D! Enjoy the day created just for you. Make wishes as you blow out your candles and may they all come true. I hope you get a big piece of cake with lots of frosting! Have a golden day my friend! xoxo

Michelle Parks McCourt said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Anonymous said...

happy late birthday!!

Unknown said...

oooo 27 eh. It happens that, that is also my reflective age. When I turned 27 this year, I immediately thought, whoa whoa whoa, 3 more big ones till the 30.That is insane. 30. wow. I want babies. 30, eek!
lots of thoughts go through your mind and all it is , is one more year.
Happy birthday!

nelya said...

Happy Lovely Birthday to you! And of course, many, many more!!!

Julia said...

Happy, happy, happy birthday to you darling! You bring us all so much joy and pleasure :) We count you one of our blessings!


SimplyGrove said...

Happy Birthday!! You are young..I am a whole year older! haha.
Come check out my Giveaway today...you will like.

Shelley said...

Happy Birthday!

aimee said...

hope it was wonderful! and 27? you're still a baby! lucky girl :)

Rosy Revolver said...

Happy Birthday, Diana! We'll go celebrate next time you're in my part of the state! I hope it was a lovely one . . .

Holly said...

Happy Birthday!

Try cleaning your telephone to stop breaking out on your chin. Drink more water and not too much dairy :) and stop picking!

picciolo said...

happy birthday, sorry to be a bit late
: )

Amanda said...

Happeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Birfday! I turned 27 this year, and it has been the best. one. yet.

Cake! Wishes!

Courtney said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! I hope you had a most wonderful day!

Gretchen said...

Happy Belated Birthday Blessings!!

Laura. said...

happy belated birthday (i'm a bit behind on my blog reads), and welcome to 27! i was a little unsure at first, but people keep telling me i am still young, so i will go with it. i think 27 has a lot in store. that photo is gorgeous, by the way.

Design Scouting said...

happy happy happy birthday! 27 was a big year for me.... hope it is for you too!

limonana said...

happy belated lady! welcome to 27! i just got there few days before you. it feels good!

Unknown said...

eeek! 27...it's approaching for me pretty quickly!!

happy belated b-day! :-D

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