Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As the week winds down my eyes are attracted to simple compositions in design and photography. The thought provoking photographs by Laura Letinsky fulfill my search for simplicity while still expanding my imagination.

In an interview on mouthtomouth Letinsky says, "I began to think about the idea of leftovers. It became important for me on a number of levels, because it has to do with what you do after the promise, when you realize the promise is not possible. This is fundamental to any utopian notion--the promise and its demise. You can't have utopia without its loss."

Stunning work and words. Now I have leftovers on the mind...are you a eat leftovers kind of person or keep them in the fridge and forget about them? I'm a mix of both depending on the week!


  1. I make a lot of soups that I can toss in leftover meat or veggies. It is an easy fix.

    This is really interesting Pleasie.

  2. No, I'm not a eat leftovers kinda person. I dislike. I'm a deep lover of fresh and newly-cooked/baked things. I prefer to give eat leftovers to the street cats and birds in front of my window. You know Istanbul is a heaven for very many street cats and dogs. I think of them most of the time, and feed them with my leftovers.

  3. This is beautiful, still and gentle. Very soothing.

    I don't like food waste, so either my husband eats all leftovers (he's blessed with an enormous appetite and a tall slim frame) or we compost the rest and then have black gold to spread over our little vegetable patch..

  4. I remember when I saw her work for the first time when I was still in the photo. dept. I loved it. I had a poster of one of her shots in my kitchen for a long time, but it tore in the move... Oh well I suppose. It was nice, though!

  5. I don't eat my left overs usually, unless it was really yummy. I always eat left over desserts though!

  6. Oh, what a though provoking take on leftovers! And these photos are stunning indeed.

  7. both, especially if scott is working late. so sad. i love the photos and her composition - close to the edge.

  8. i try as much as possible not to be wasteful, so i'm really big on finishing leftovers or incorporating them into a new dish. plus, there's some food that tastes even better the next day (e.g. barefoot contessa's mac and cheese, turkey meatloaf)

  9. Thank you so much for including her thoughts on her work and the idea of left-overs. I appreciate these images even more!

  10. These are my favorite kind of photos - where you feel like someone just stepped out of the frame for a moment.
    I am a huge leftovers person. I cook mostly for the leftovers.

  11. Lovely photos and food for thought!

  12. Exquisite in simplicity. True words....

  13. i like leftovers, it is the calm after the storm. (especially in these photographs) there is a content peacefulness about these leftovers and lovely memories made.
    i always eat my left overs aka lunch.

  14. I love leftovers! Then I don't have to cook!

  15. That is such a thought provoking quote - remainder after the promise. But why does it have to be considered a loss? And not a gain? Thanks for sharing this.

  16. lovely photos. i used to be a forget the leftovers girl but now days i try to remember + little one and i eat for lunch the next day.

  17. i find it stirring to look at things that were enjoyed and then abandoned - the leftovers are the remnants of a passing moment.

  18. I love that line - you can't have utopia without it's loss. So beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing.
    btw, I'm nuts about leftovers. It means one less night of cooking (and cleaning pots and pans)

  19. These photos are so beautiful, they really made my not-so-good day better. Thank you for sharing them.

    Your blog is very inspiring!

  20. I love love love these pictures! Thank you so much for sharing and thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. It's nice to know that you like my Tumblr as well :)
    Also, I love your blog.

    Have a great day!


  21. I LOVE leftovers!! Hubby and little one do not. So more for me! Happy Friday!

  22. Great simple composition! and beautiful pictures
    Have a nice weekend ^__^

  23. Lovely images! Bit of both for me when it comes to leftovers (I don't like to waste but sometimes my intentions are better than my actions) but I agree that certain things just taste better the next day... And they take care of lunch.

  24. I love Laura's photos and how she uses the idea of leftovers! Thank you for sharing these and the link.

  25. I love these images...very original.

    I always bring leftover home because I feel bad wasting. Then, 99% of the time, I forget about them. :-)

  26. I am absolutely in love with these photos. There really is beauty in the mess!


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