Friday, May 15, 2009


Ahh...the weekend is here and I'm still here too! I had a busy, busy week and I'm ready to relax with a cold drink and a good movie. The biggest decision I want to make this weekend is what movie to see. There are a couple of good ones you have any suggestions?

Also, I have fun things planned for the blog next stay tuned! Go ahead and enjoy your weekend...the first round is on me. :)

{photographs by Anna Wolf}


  1. love these shots! have a good weekend!

  2. Have a great relax this weekend. Not too many movies to suggest here. I haven't been with it lately :)

  3. Have a great one. These images are great. Thanks so much again for the post. xox

  4. i wish i could look that cute hanging out of a window, and that the back seat of my car were that clean. happy weekend - a cold drink sounds mighty fine!

  5. YAY for the weekend!!! Hope yours is great! ...3 movies on my list to watch for the weekend {if I'm lucky}: Slumdog Millionaire, Nick and Norah, and Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

  6. Are there good movies in the theaters now? I'm gonna curl up and watch "Gone with the Wind" tonight instead!

  7. happy weekend Diana! I hope you're able to relax and enjoy.

  8. Angels and Demons!!!
    And it has good reviews.
    I read Angels and Demons, great story, annoying writing. I have a very strong faith and I never understood the hoopla over the DaVinci Code.
    I love scandal, conspiracy and good non malicious gossip so this is my kind of movie because of conspiracy.
    If you come here I will go watch it with you and even buy the popcorn.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. I love weekend films. Hoping to catch one myself. Have a lovely time!

  10. Enjoy your weekend, Diana. Tell us what movie you wind up seeing -- I could use a good recommendation. xox

  11. oh wow, i love surprises. have a wonderful weekend!

  12. sweet little photos. I love the "jcrew-ness" of the bottom image ;)

  13. Happy weekend to you, too! That top shot is one of my faves.

  14. Love the top shot!
    I'm also thinking that I've got too many stuff in my back seat & the rest of the car too!

  15. It is supposed to be stunning on the west coast this weekend, weather wise! I can't wait!
    I hope to get a pair of GREAT jeans and enjoy some Muntedkowhai time in the sun!!! with sun screen on of course

  16. i would recommend "Priceless"- light and french with the same actress from Amelie!

  17. Fun things planned for next week...! I love a bit of mystery - enjoy your weekend!

  18. ya know what i love? plaid.

    so i'm adoring those shoes.

  19. I wish I had a car!

    I wish someone would not have stolen my bike tires I had bike riding in the works.

  20. I was meant to be doing lots of things this weekend, but it is turning out a bit like yours... which is kind of nice. Love the photos by Anna Wolf.

  21. all i can think of is how i'd love to have all of those shoes in the last shot. hope you have a nice and relaxing weekend.

  22. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos. thanks for sharing...hope all is well!


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