Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cafeteria Tray Decor

Lately I've been a little obsessed with cafeteria trays. They are fun, graphic and can be used in a variety of ways. Like the cafeteria tray decor in Lemonade, a hot lunch spot in Beverly Hills, California featured on the green living blog Daily Danny. Besides the colorful tray arrangement, Lemonade also uses Dixie cups as ceiling decoration. Ok, so I know mounted cafeteria trays and Dixie cups may be a little much for the average kitchen, but it's fun to think outside of the box. Repetition of simple designs can make a big statement in your home or business. Don't be afraid to play with materials and allow yourself to have fun. I'm continually reminding myself of this especially when stumped with a design dilemma. Great ideas come from playing and utilizing your childhood imagination!


  1. what a cute idea!! I never would've thought of that!

  2. What an excellent idea for restaurant decor!

  3. That is crafty! I love the mod feel of the trays on the walls. So neat;)

  4. I didn't know those cafeteria trays from childhood could look so good!

  5. Love this. Way better than inspirational prints hung on cafeteria walls.

  6. such a fantastic idea. i wonder where i can find a bunch of cafeteria trays.. hmm.

  7. I'm not really digging the trays as much as the dixie cups! Maybe if the trays were in different colors?

  8. Yes!
    I love cheap and creative deco!
    great post
    Im totally inspired right now.

  9. Can't imagine, that trays can be as awesome decor too!

    I never been here for quite sometimes. Sorry, but I was a bit down for a couple of months now. Just had my complicated surgery.

    Well, been posting though!

    Have a wonderful w/end!


  10. I love that look! They remind me of little sound pads in a recording studio :)

    Have a great weekend, deary!

  11. :) That's a pretty wall!

  12. *love* this idea! the trick must be to find trays in colors that are cool, instead of a drab, dirty brown. i also like that they left the trays empty, whereas some people might be tempted to get cute and decorate them with food samples or a menu of the day.

  13. i have a fixation with cafeteria stuff too!

  14. I would have never ever ever thought of this.


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