Monday, June 8, 2009

Have you hugged a bear today?

Hey, Hot Shot winner Michelle Arcila says her work, "lives in an illusive world. It's a world where questions are never fully answered and ghosts wander each room only offering us a glimpse into what their lives may have been." Arcila's artist statement may explain why her photographs made me question things like, "Have you hugged a bear today? Tried on your antlers? Re-arranged your tea cups and family photos?" I enjoy photographs that create unreal and undefinable questions. Makes me stare a little longer, escape a little more and dream a little bigger. Check out more of Michelle Arcila on Flickr and her website.

Oh and by the way, I haven't hugged a bear today, unless you count my boyfriend! How about you?


  1. Re-arranged your tea cups photo is FAB... LOVE all those teacups!
    Sorry I have not visited in soooooo long... hope all is well with you... life has been crazee... kids have had medical issues... UGH!
    I will try to pop over more often... thank goodness for Twitter... I popped over from there.
    ENJOY your week!

  2. I love environments that evoke fantasy or a little bit of creative reality. These photos certainly do the trick!

  3. So funny. I actually hug a bear everyday. It has to do with our last name though. Barron....

    Great pictures.

  4. really loving the second simple

  5. I am really digging her work, these are some mighty fine photos!

  6. Yeah, I like this too ~ especially the wall with pictures.

  7. Very cool work. No bear hugging today, either....

  8. I like the bear hug pic! :-)

  9. Love these photos! Especially the antlers. I think I'll have to raid my dad's stash of antlers (he's a hunter) and do something with them in my home...

  10. No bears here :) Lovely photos.

  11. I love that these photos enforce questions of "what their day-to-day lives must be"...

  12. Well, I wrestled a bear today (that's code for the kind of day I continue to have at my job. Grrrr. But I keep telling myself I'm lucky to have a job.....)

  13. oh, i wish i had! (only the bear was as friendly as that one appears, though..)

  14. What amazing photos. Love the antlers on the bed, so stark and lovely.


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