Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Instinctive Observer

Photographer Polly Eltes is described as "a warmly instinctive observer, editing an interior view, or a still life, so that the image has immediacy and significance." Eltes' photographs exude comfort and inner life. I'm also amazed at how well she captures the essence of a room and home.

I think it's important to address the instincts of a photographer or artist. In many art forms instincts and technical skills are essential. I tend to stress over design dilemmas and I have to tell myself - ok let go, breathe and go with your gut. This method helps calm me down and re-focus. I also realized that I'm never truly excited about pieces or photographs that weren't gut driven.

What do you think - are instincts important when taking photographs and creating art?


avant garde design said...

oh, completely gut driven, if not i think they're forced and will not be as honest or right on. yesterday my son was on his computer and i had to pick up my blank page journal and quickly sketch his face. it was just a simple line drawing but i think i captured him. we're best when we don't think too hard about our art and just do it when it feels right :) like polly.

ticklishfromadistance said...

I think they are the most important thing. You know what is missing or perfect in your own creation or representation. Yes.

Laura. said...

oh, yes! i love the gut (that sounds gross). but it's true! i think that is one of the most wonderful things about being an artist, that when i trust my instincts and relax, the process is wonderful and enjoyable and the product is better than i can imagine. it's one of the things that goes into the mystery of creating something, of communicating with visuals what can't be expressed any other way. oh, i get so excited just thinking about it!

Unknown said...

i suddenly find myself having to have an antique swan vase! so cute!

please sir said...

I'm glad you guys feel the same way. It is such a great feeling to know you are going with your gut and yielding great results.

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

I love the room with the blue bed.

bronwyn said...

Definately. You can get into trouble when you over think things. Instinct, intuition, happy accidents...thesoften yeild the best results. These images are stunning.

erin@designcrisis said...

Girly but gorgeous!

Jane Flanagan said...

Yes! I think the idiosyncratic instincts and feelings you have are what differentiates the photograph you'd take from the one every other photographer would take.

Uncle Beefy said...

1) Gorgeous photos!

2) Without a doubt! When I was in art school and preparing for my graduate show I went in a vastly different direction and created a pretty controversial piece but from an honest gut-driven place (not just to be controversial). I was excited and terrified at the opening but people really responded to it in a way I hadn't seen before with my work.

It taught me to go with my gut as often as possible. Now if I could stop having to relearn that lesson!

Rosy Revolver said...

I want the blue bed. Like, yesterday. Thanks for stopping by the blog, and for always inspiring me with yours! Stay dry in the 'Boro.

Cindy said...

yep, avoid them at your own peril. my instinct tells me that the blue bed is comfy, cozy ;).

Together We Save said...

I love these photos. Beautiful.

Wondering Helen said...

Oy, I love the lofted bed area {the very last photo on the right} so much, I want to figure out how to make my teeny-tiny cupboard-sized apartment a double-decker. I think the lantern and that little square window are pushing me over the edge.

Amanda said...

I do not know for sure but I hope so. Also, I would like to take a nap in that kitchen.

simplesong said...

great post -- totally think instincts are so important in photography ... you have that snap second to take a photo.

Waxy said...

Heck yeah instincts are important! I don't have any photographic ones - thus I am a crappy photographer!

Unknown said...

Absolutely yes, it's always my instincts that dictate what I take most of the times..otherwise, they'll just be boring pictures..not that I take really good ones anyway...hugs/M

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

So, so true. Go with your gut {much easier said than done sometimes}. Gorgeous photos.

please sir said...

I agree - thanks for all your input!

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