Monday, June 15, 2009

Olivia + Brandon

Hi guys - Happy Monday! How was your weekend? My weekend was filled with a whirlwind of fun wedding events for my dear friends Olivia and Brandon. I was honored to be a bridesmaid for this joyous occasion. The scenic lake view and perfect weather created a stunning backdrop to the ceremony and reception.

Since I was in the wedding party I didn't get a chance to take many wedding photos, but I did get these post-wedding photos during breakfast the next day. Olivia and Brandon are adorable and I'm so happy for them. Congrats, congrats, congrats!


  1. So cute! I especially love the feets.

  2. How beautiful and fun for you Pleasie. I love all those shots there. So cute.

  3. Thanks guys! I LOVE the feet too - hehe, they make me smile. They are such a great couple too - I'm so happy for them!

  4. What a darling, loving group of images!

  5. Thanks for everything you did to make our wedding perfect. You were much more than just a bridesmaid. I love the pics.

  6. how positively heartwarming!

  7. These pictures are wonderful. They capture your style and the romantic newlywed/casual mood. I love love love em!

  8. aww, beautiful. i love the colors...

  9. wow, these are all so darling! well done!

  10. Love these photos! Congrats to the newlyweds. Weddings are so much fun.

  11. Beautiful photos! Congrats to the happy couple!

  12. You did a fab job on the photos! xoxo

  13. i love your photos! congrats to the happy couple!

  14. This is so cute. I just sent the link to my photographer friend who is going to take some engagement shots of me and my boy.

    Thanks for the inspiration. Love your blog.


  15. Did you take these? They're wonderful. Love the setting. Congratulations to your friends.

  16. firstly thank you for stopping by my blog. it means more than you realise.

    and secondly, i am amazed that i have not discovered your blog before. it is my kind of space. i just love your photography, your words and your eye for design.

    have a happy day!

  17. You're kidding?!?!?! YOU took these?? They are wonderful! I love the light.
    Great job!


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