Friday, June 26, 2009

Olivia's Wedding

I promise I'm not turning into a wedding blog, but I wanted to share a few photographs from Olivia's wedding. You may remember Olivia from the post-wedding photos seen here. I finally got the rest of my film developed and these are my favorites. And yes, I still love my film camera.

As I mentioned before I was a bridesmaid so I didn't have a chance to take any photographs of the ceremony or even the reception. What can I say...the wine was too good. I did manage to snap photos of Olivia getting ready and the oh-so-amazing cake. The last two images of the flower girl dress and Olivia's gorgeous hair originally came out really dark. Luckily Photoshop and a quick black and white conversion saved the day. And yes, I love Photoshop too.

I really enjoy the point of dreaming about it, composing shots in my mind and feeling the desire to take photos all day. Photography seems like such a competitive field especially since everyone and their grandma owns a digital camera. What do you think about the world of photography? Any pro-photographers out there with helpful hints on getting into the business?

OH, and the beautiful cake came from Delicious in Greensboro, N.C. They are great to work with and I highly recommend if you are in the area.


  1. You did a fabulous job! I love your friend's cake!

  2. Thanks - the cake was awesome! And so good - I'll update to put where it came from.

  3. i love your pics, especially the cake and the flowers below it. i wish you could give me some tips on using my 35mm film camera. the first roll of film 'developed' was all blank! i still haven't told scott, since he traipsed around with me taking the pics in the freezing cold ;). happy weekend!

  4. oh yeah, having a fancy camera doesn't automatically make someone a good photographer. you need a good eye, which you have.

  5. More gorgeous shots! That cake is a glory.

  6. what lovely photos, and that cake is amazing!
    : )

  7. you do have a great eye. i think it could be as easy as just doing it--taking photos all the time and getting them seen--on your blog, wherever. i think your taste and your work speaks for itself and if you wanted to do it professionally, i think you really could! you can do anything!

  8. that cake looks amazing!

  9. These are gorgeous photos, my dear! I have no professional advice to offer, but maybe you could try shooting a couple weddings pro bono, as a second shooter, and then see where it takes you?

  10. These are fantastic. I think you should follow your heart and do what you love. I see so many people selling images on Etsy and they are not professionals. Simply, they are people who love to take photos and let their imaginations take them anywhere. Sometimes we have to ease ourselves into new careers, and that's ok. Have a great weekend.

  11. your shots are beautiful! you are right to dream about photography -- that is just fantastic, and i think it means you should pursue it with GUSTO!

    and that cake!??!?! absolutely STUNNING!!!

  12. Wow. Really great shots! And that cake- amazing.

  13. Film definitely 'takes the cake'. :) Thanks for sharing!!

  14. What sweet photos! I love the charming and nostalgic emotion in them. I too dream about photography and setting up the perfect shot -- and then I realize that I'm just not into the technical details enough to trade in styling for photography! One day, however, I very well may.

  15. Your photos are gorgeous and very stylish! I especially love the black & white ones! Somebody above suggested setting up on Etsy and I think you should go for it! I believe your photos would appeal to a lot of people. Do it! Do it now! :D

  16. I love the back and withe picts


  17. I agree with those who said you have a good eye. You always have, my love! Just hiss, click, and BuhBaaaaaam! Lovely photos. Far as I'm concerned, you can post weddin' pitchers any ole' day. : )

  18. My daughter is called Olivia and finished a one year diploma a year ago.
    Find her website on my sidebar - Little Miss Head In Air. Keys to her success/self-confidence were investing in professional equipment even though it was a struggle to afford and NETWORKING and hours editing!. She started by photographing a band she met at a party. Is always open to helping people out free - aspiring models, singers etc and friends' weddings.
    Personality helps -- being great with people. From your blog it looks
    like that's not a problem!!

  19. Your pictures are gorgeous. All that angst you had, and they are smashing! What a wonderful day it must have been.

  20.'re hired! Seriously....beautiful photos (film still rocks). Not sure if you know the blog Shoot Scoop but she's a local (to me) photographer whose work I admire. She does a lot of wedding and portrait work...incredible compositions.

  21. I am so, so behind in my blog-reading and so I'm way late in seeing these shots, but Diana -- YOU are awesome!! I hope you somehow persue photography...these photos are fabulous!


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