Friday, June 19, 2009

Under the Sea

Where are you escaping to this weekend? No big plans here, but I will be lost in these photographs by David Doubilet - a Contributing Photographer for the National Geographic Magazine. I can't even imagine how cool his job must be. Pretty amazing, right? Check out more stunning photographs on his site.

Get a little lost this wonderful weekend...and then come back and tell me about it!


  1. eek! Love that top photo :) Have a good one dear.

  2. Not much of a water gal, but love to live vicariously through water-lovers. These images are dreamy.

  3. I'm such a water baby... these images are heavenly to me.

  4. Oh, to be in tropical waters right now!

    I think I'll be bumming around the beach this weekend, and reading library books. It should be peaceful.

    Happy weekend!

  5. Oh gorgeous photos! My only adventure this weekend will be the local waterpark. :-(

  6. Wow, these are incredible!!! Nothing as exciting on my agenda either but the weekend's always a good thing in my book. Hope you have a lovely one!

  7. i love the top one, too! have fun!

  8. What amazing photographs! They seem as if they'd be so dificult to take... amazing talent.

  9. OHHHHH! these are just down my allee! gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
    they make me dream of being in the ocean again..sigh!
    happy weekend!

  10. Gorgeous photos :)

    I'm taking the kids to Publix tomorrow to decorate a cookie cake for their dad. Then some shopping. Sunday will hopefully be a relaxing, maybe crafty day. Have a good weekend!

  11. I agree...dream job extraordinaire. If I manage to get a little lost this weekend, you'll know because I WON'T be back to tell you about it....after all I'll be lost.

  12. He must have the most amazing stories to tell! Great find and Happy weekend!

  13. can't wait to get lost in these photos.

  14. This is a whole new level of underwater photos! Amazing!

  15. these shots ARE INCREDIBLE!!! what a job! what skill. dude, pretty amazing!

    and hope your weekend is fab. :)

  16. These are great. I really like the first one. Those little fish are so curious about those toes.

  17. Hi!!

    I am awarding you with the One Lovely Blog Award!! The "One Lovely Blog Award" was passed on to me by Chocolate Creative.

    Now I'm passing it on to you because your blog is great!!

    Rules to follow:

    1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

    2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.

    3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.


  18. That might be the coolest job ever... how fabulous are those pictures?

  19. I'm speechless..I literally just got the goosebumps looking at these...

  20. My apologies for being such a bad friend, terrible blogger. I have not been by recently had to move to a new condo suddenly, fur baby got really sick... changed to a new site domain..

    I wanted you to know I was thinking about you though.

  21. Doubilet's site is fantastic. Thank you for posting this. And that Polaroid 800 Land Camera is just awesome.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.


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