Thursday, July 23, 2009


Take time to sense the world around you. I get this impression when looking at the delicate and nature-inspired pieces by Leslie Walker Noell. These works are created using a variety of materials including archival ink-jet, wax, graphite, gouache on paper, oils, thread and pins. I love the mixture of textures and translucent layers. Also, each work is named Duet with a number like Duet 1, Duet 4. A clever and perfect way to title these lovely paired pieces.

On a side note...I'm feeling better and thank you for all the kind comments. TV and soup can only last so long...back to the swing of things!


Jane Flanagan said...

Absolutely stunning. I love them all!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, and so serene.

Lynne said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous. Hope you are feeling better soon!

naphtali said...

Beautiful and surprisingly delicate!

Cindy said...

i love the combination of sewing and paper.

nelya said...

I love the addition of the thread and the wax paper gives it a surreal, dreamy quality. Lovely!

avant garde design said...

the softness draws you in, almost hypnotizes you. i'm off to yoga class and that was a perfect send off visually for me to prepare to breathe! :)

beauty comma said...

These must be great, because I kept scrolling back up to the pictures...

Megan @ Pink O'Clock said...

these are SO beautiful--i keep coming back to them.

Margot said...

These are stunning, nice find Diana! Glad to hear you're on the mend.

Anonymous said...

wow, these are so lovely. i love the muted colors.

Laura. said...

these are absolutely lovely.

Style Carrot said...

Beautiful, delicate, other worldly. Thank you.

Gretchen said...

Enchanting & inspiring! I love how boundlessly creative human beings are...

picciolo said...

I'm glad you are feeling better, and what wonderful pieces
: )

Sam said...

Pretty and delicate, as you said. Contemplative too actually.

Brittany | the Home Ground said...

Thank you so much for posting this. This work feels very inspiring for me right now.

bronwyn said...

These are really beautiful.

Seth said...

These are breathtaking. Simple, beautiful, and ethereal!

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