Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Unique Wedding Cake

My friend, Nick, recently went to London for a friend's wedding and lucky for us...photographed the couple's lovely wedding cake. Nick said, "The wedding cake was moist and white, lightly flavored with lavender and orange, and topped with a creamed honey glaze. The honey-bee things were made of white chocolate using bubble wrap for the form." Doesn't it sound unique and yummy?

Besides being widely jealous of Nick's travels (did I mention he is now in Poland?!) I'm also glad to live vicariously through his travel photographs. Check out his Adventure Blog and photos. Safe travels!


  1. What a neat idea! And that cake sounds delicious. Hard to find things that aren't chocolate.

  2. Mmmmm,lavender and orange. That sounds really good! And I love the fresh sprigs of lavender as garnish!

  3. They're gorgeous. And sound SO TASTY!

  4. wow! what a fantastic idea- and it looks so yummy :)

  5. Obviously, England has become more food conscientious because the typical wedding cake was a heavy fruit cake when I was there. I guess that was traditional and probably still is...but its nice to see a break from the norm! Looks absolutely fabulous. Bet it tasted scrumptious too!

  6. wow! that's a pretty original cake1

  7. Wow - it sounds as good as it looks! Love the lavender and honey bee theme.

  8. looks like a perfect summer wedding cake. i love artists like the cake decorator using found objects to work with like bubble wrap. very inventive. plus it just adds a very cool texture to the cake. fun!

  9. These cakes look so neat! I like how they were different and bringing the outdoors into celebrate a special day!

  10. Um, I hope the cake designer doesn't mind, but I'm totally using this as THE inspiration for my wedding cake when the time comes. These are beautiful. And with my love for bees/honey and the combination of yellow and purple... Oh boy.

  11. Oh my goodness...those are incredible. Love.

  12. Such a wonderfully, sweetly whimsically lovely idea of a wedding cake. Thank you for posting these shots, it's always a joy to see creative cakes.

    Wishing you a stellar day,
    ♥ Jessica

  13. Oh wow-how cool! So beautiful and looks quite yummy. So fun to see the unique ideas people came up with.

  14. i picked the wrong day to quit cake.

  15. Such a gorgeous wedding cake!!!

  16. THAT is truly unique! What a find!

  17. oh wow using bubble wrap to make honeycomb is a genius idea!

  18. Not only looks magical but I bet this cake tastes phenomenal. I want one!

  19. This is so different, but really beautiful!

  20. So glad you enjoyed the cake idea!

  21. this cake is amazing!!! it's so fun to see such an unusual idea executed beautifully.

  22. I like everything about it, from the flowery herbs to the honey and white chocolate. I posted my white chocolate-lined birthday cake a while ago and this picture is making me remember the taste of it. If your friend Nick can get the recipe, please let me know.

  23. Bubble wrap "honeycomb" forms = BRILLIANT!

  24. The image above is full of sweetness and creativity, and I love it! I never knew bubble wrap can be used to create those honey-comb crusts. My thirst for honey can't be satiated. I just brought creamed honey a while ago and I still want to buy creamed honey for my snacks later to go with toasted bread and coffee.

  25. This is absolutely beautiful! We've included a photo in our latest post @ NoImpactBride. Hope you don't mind. :)




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