Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hey, I did that!

Ideas are continuously floating around the world. I find it amusing when you see an idea you thought of, and think, "Hey...that's my idea!" Most of the time they didn't steal your idea, and it is more likely you both have similar interests. It's neat to find kindred spirits, and that's what happened when I discovered the KnitKnot Tree on Art News Blog. The knit graffiti was done by artists in Yellow Springs, Ohio and has helped bring a sense of community to the area. Several years ago I did a similar project. I think it's interesting how artists from across the nation and world can develop the same ideas. Makes me wonder if any ideas are truly original?

My knitted trees located on the NCSU design campus.

Details of knitted trees. I enjoy using red yarn and thread throughout many of my projects. I feel like it has a universal meaning and adds a human connection. While I knitted on the tree I left areas and branches exposed so they could grow around the knit pieces. I was able to expose and reveal parts of the trees like the way humans interact and present themselves.
The KnitKnot Tree was inspired by Knitta, a group of graffiti knitters. They tag inner cities with vibrant, stitched works of art. The website has a fun gallery of their gangsta knits!


jafabrit said...

Oh I like your trees :) I agree I don't think there are really new ideas in art but rather variations of a theme. Before we did the tree I can't say I saw knitted sweaters on trees, but knitta with knitting around posts definitely inspired us.

I hope you don't mind if we put a link to your tree blog entry on our website?

Nick Orlowski said...

Thats awesome :)

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