I'm starting to get back in the swing of things with Vintage Find Sunday. Last week I shared with you photographs from the Liberty Antique Festival. I finally got a chance to set up and photograph my own Liberty purchases. I mixed them with other past finds to create a neat display area, which reminded me of a Parisian jewelry stand. Pictured above is an English mirror I purchased at Liberty for $30.00 - a bargain compared to new ones! I LOVE the mirror's shape and chain for hanging. Below are close-ups of the other items.
Here is a old, glass milk bottle with interesting details I purchased for $15.00. Add water and pretty flowers, and you got a vase. The other bottle is an old, glass container used for holding paint thinner that my Mom picked up at a yard sale. The green glass compliments the milk bottle and flowers.
Can you guess what this white, tin pan was used for? Maybe you don't want to know, but for $2.00 it makes a neat jewelry storage or could be used for soap display. I also bought the cardinal plate necklace for $3.00. I'm excited to wear it for the summer!
The vendor said this hand was used either as a model or form for plastic gloves. At $5.00 it adds an interesting conversation piece and could be used for displaying jewelry. The picture of the French women (behind the hand) was found at an antique store for a couple of bucks.
The miniature watercolor paintings on the wall are not from Liberty, but they were from an estate sale. During WWII, the man who owned them purchased the paintings while stationed in Germany. They are delicate and lovely, and I love their aged look.

I got a mirror very similar to that for my mom a few years ago. This reminds me that I've always meant to get one for myself.
Lovely tableau.
Great kidney dish! I have a few of these, plus some other surgical accoutrements!
Wow, you are wonderful at pulling flea market finds together - that display is so beautiful!
Mmmmmmmmmmmm, nice, very nice.
Very cool - thanks for your comments!
Such a great new collection of things! Wow, I'm so inspired by your finds. What a wonderful vignette you've put together.
Beautiful! I love that mirror and have been on the hunt for something similar. Everything looks so pretty!
Thank you!
Nice finds! The mirror is my favorite, but that hand for holding jewelry is pretty cool too!
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