Monday, June 9, 2008

Childhood Fantasies

I'm obsessed with the photograph series by Magdalena Bors. Featured on the cover of Blanket Magazine, Magdalena Bors discusses her work and says, "people connect with the familiarity of the objects - they are things we have around us every day, conjured into something magical." Each set is very labor extensive and takes several weeks to complete and about two days to set up and shoot. The final results? Amazing...amazing...amazing!

See more of Magdalena Bors.


/// said...


picciolo said...

wow that first picture is amazing, I love it! Thanks for sharing, these are great images
: )

please sir said...

Haha Erin - I knew you would love these!

Jude said...

These are fantastic!! Great find.

Courtney said...

These are some of the most gorgeous photos I've seen in a while. Holy cow these are amazing!

Sew Bettie said...

So amazing. I love love love the last candy pic.

yasmine said...

oh my, they're all pretty darn amazing!

Mrs.French said...

whimsical perfection!

Julia said...

How utterly delightful! I lub dem!

Ann Marie said...

SO cool! I always thought it would be really fun to set up elaborate "stories" like the one's shown here. i'll say it again - diana, you find the best stuff.

please sir said...

Thank you so much - I truly appreciate it!

dee said...

Leave it to you to find these. This is unbelievable! Amazing...and so freakin' cool!

Fifi Flowers said...

WOW! Very cool! I keep forgetting to add you to my blog so I can pop over here more easily... that's it... I don't want to miss the fun!

AshleyL. said...

these are incredible! how cool! thank you so much for posting such inspiring things! i especially like the cake picture! :)

Anonymous said...

Totally magical!

Jaimee McClellan said...

Thanks for sharing!

Hila said...

Oh I love this! True eye-candy.

Robin said...

I wish I had this kind of imagination and the creativity to make it come to life like that. It's very Tim Burton-esque, but less creepy.

FancyPants-design said...

WOW!! These are great! Very original!! I LOVE the thumbtack one :-)

Julie @ Belle Maison said...

wow - that is one creative lady! awesome post!

Aimz said...

oh wow oh wow! I love the first one, it looks like a real live mountain, something like a train set would go around :-)

Jan said...

Nicely found. Thanks.

Denise Kiggan said...

These pics are delightful. They make you laugh and they make you think!

Joanna Goddard said...

very cool!

please sir said...

Thanks - quite thought provoking - glad you enjoyed!

Jessie Cacciola said...

they're all so fun. love the tacks!

Alexa Johnson said...

Fascinating! So "Salvador Dali buys a camera".

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...


la la Lovely said...

WOW... these are way cool.. I love anything that is magical and enchanting....and the use of everyday is so very clever! LOVE!

Sarah said...

what!!?? these are nuts! great find!!

JLC Studio said...

Sooo cool! Love the long must that have taken!?!?

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous!

marta_tururu said...

wauuuuuu!!me ha encantado , qué pasada!!!

ayss acabo de conocer tu blog y me está gustando muuuuucho!!!

saludos desde Deco-Inspiración

Dianna said...

wow, i don't know how you find so many awesome things. these photos are fantastic!

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