Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Green Textiles

I can't get enough of Loop.Ph, a London based design and research studio directed by designers Rachel Wingfield and Mathias Gmachl. If you liked their silent alarm clock, then you'll love their current designs.

The BioWall is a hand woven three-dimensional structure that can hold living plants. With plants crawling around the structure, BioWall can become an indoor, living hedge that divides space. Another innovative project is the Metabolic Media. The woven and modular architectural structure provide a lightweight solution for growing food plants in small spaces without soil. The urban ecosystem consists of geotextile structures and solar cells designed to feed and monitor a network of plants by misting the roots with nutrient rich solution. WHAT?! Yes, textiles can do that! Guys, we are witnessing future technology at it's best.

On their site it says, "Loop.pH belongs to an emerging generation of designers redefining conventions of how, why and with what things are made. Emphasis is placed on learning from both traditional craft based practices alongside the cutting edge of scientific and technological discovery." AMAZING...can you imagine if more design was conceived in such a thoughtful manner?


  1. oh that would be super cool with nice thick vines all over it!

  2. how interesting. btw, i love chanel gloss. i am going to get a red one instead of red stick.

  3. I love these shapes and colors. So stunning!

  4. Wow, that is pretty amazing! And so beautiful.

  5. i would love to have that in my house just to retreat to!

  6. Another intersting post...thanks for sharing :D

  7. wow - what a great concept and beautiful creations!

  8. wow, diana, these posts lately are blowing me away! just gorgeous.

  9. Wow! This is another amazing find! Thanks so much for sharing it.

  10. I love seeing all of the innovative greenery springing up in today's design repertoire! I can't wait to see one of these in person, and one day, perhaps even enjoying an entire green wall in the living room. A girl can dream, right? :)

  11. This is great. We recently had a brainstorm about ways to 'green' our office space. One idea was to create a living topiary in the foyer. The shape was to be an ampersand (integral in our logo) and we were to create a structure and then grow plants and vines around it. Unfortunately it proved to be too expensive to get the structure made :(

  12. This is fabulous- as is the silent alarm clock. I love all of these innovative textile posts you've been sharing!

  13. interesting. Some more geotextile type can be find here for these type of applications may be :))


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