Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hello Summer?

I can't wait till summer...I'll even take spring. Sunny evenings, warm nights, and no need to wear a jacket.

The Mind Games photograph series by Julie Blackmon reminds me of summer days. Her work is so intriguing. If you have kids or ever had an interesting babysitting experience you must check out her Domestic Vacations series. The photographs are oddly distributing and amusing.


  1. these photos are beautiful! i can't wait for summer either, I'm a summer baby and have always loved summer! ironically after moving to UK, my summers are a lot shorter! so i'm looking forward to a nice holiday to somewhere sunny & hot! ;)

  2. These photos are (almost) as good as summer itself! Thanks for the January warmth.

  3. yay- I could not agree with you more!
    I am absolutely ready for above freezing temperatures.

  4. that sprinkler photo takes me back! oh, those were heavenly days.

  5. I am trying to tamp down my summer-thoughts until April - otherwise, I'll never get through the winter!

    I love these photos - very evocative.

  6. Completely! It's time for flirty dresses and opened-toed shoes.

  7. swoooooon. LOVE these shots. so perfect!

  8. those photos are great! here's to summer sunshine!

  9. I love these! A nice little mental vacation from the snow and ice...

  10. I'm with you... I'm DYING for earlier sunrise, longer days, getting to eat out on a patio, ice cream at 8 o'clock as the sun is just setting... *sigh* good stuff.

  11. Oh my! What a talent. thank you for introducing this amazing artist. I posted about it today. I was mesmerized!!

  12. Oh yes! I'm hitting the winter low point this week. But another two months until I can even start to think about Spring...

  13. ah, summer posts already!

    i'm definitely a late spring/summer girl. i LOVE the warm weather. i detest wearing so many layers of clothing--and having to turn on the heater. oh, and i LOVE the longer days. sigh. as much as i don't want the year to pass by fast, i'm looking forward to warmer seasons.

  14. Sigh. ANY bit of warmth would be so welcome right now.

    My fave is the boy wearing his goggles. I drove around in that same plastic car as a wee one. I still remember the smell.

  15. So weird... I was planning to post her color work soon!

    Great minds think alike :)

  16. sigh*
    i want my flip flops back.

  17. SUMMER! That is why next winter I plan to be down under!


  18. at least the sun is out today!

    i love these photos...i miss being a kid, they look like they are having so much fun!

  19. These photos just scream summer. I love the little city girl with her too too. Priceless.

  20. Julie Blackmon is my husband's cousin's wife's sister. ha! Parse that one out!

    She's so ridiculously talented. I adore her beautifully strange work.

  21. they are summer photos :)
    love especially the one with the pool and googles :D

  22. I am totally intrigued by these photos. They really seem to tell a story. Wow!

  23. So I went and checked out her site like you suggested.....brilliant. I am intrigued by how they look like calm chaos.

  24. I had forgotten what summer looks like...thanks for reminding me in the most perfect of ways...xo t

  25. Yes! I'm so ready for the summer as well! These photos are great!

  26. I think these photos are a hoot! Love 'em!
    And yes, I am so ready for warmer weather!!!

  27. Ahhhhh....those make me smile:)

  28. I wish it were still appropriate for me to wear a tutu whenever and where ever I want...

  29. Great photos and yes, I, too, am ready for long sunny days!

  30. i think my niece will love the first dress.

  31. adorable!!!that girl in tutu, how sweet is she :)

  32. These are great! I especially love the top one. That little pair of shoes & socks in the top left corner is addorable. Wish I could send you over some of my summer weather. The temps are certainly high enough right now that we can share a little warmth with the rest of the world!

  33. i wish it were summer! these pictures are darling!

  34. I couldn't agree more! I'm soo over Winter!

  35. i. love. that. top. photo.

    it completely is everything summer as a kid. trying to cram all the good stuff into your day before you get sent off to bed. too many things to do and explore; games to be won, bubbles to be blown, bikes to ride.

  36. The sassy ballerina gets my vote.

  37. these are beautiful! and i'm excited for spring, too-- maybe not summer yet, but spring for sure!

  38. these are hilarious...
    i am a fan of warm weather

  39. Yes, these are just amazing photos. I'm so freggin' tired of the winter -- can't wait to spend endless hours on roof tops drinkin' beer.

  40. great photos. i bought a delicious watermelon yesterday and everytime i have a chunk i am instantly reminded of summer..sigh! hey--at least it's 20 degrees today. last week thurs it was negative 35!

  41. love these photos. especially the first one!

  42. i'm looking forward to it as well...

  43. Oh, this set is so wonderfully summer! I haven't run through a sprinkler in who knows how long, but that looks so appealing! And, I looked, and your comments on her Domestic Vacation series were spot-on... oddly disturbing and amusing (and no kids, but definitely some interesting babysitting experiences back in the day!)

  44. cannot wait either!! summer come already! love these "domestic vacation" images...

  45. These are perfect, yes they are! That first one is classic. Must check out her work, thanks for the link!


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