Thursday, January 22, 2009

Interview on Darling Dexter

I did a fun interview about Please Sir with cutie blogger Whitney over at Darling Dexter! Coincidentally Whitney and I went to design school together, but never had a chance to meet. Hopefully one day we will because I love her amazing design blog. Her Daily Wear photos are great and this recent video she posted will make you smile.

I am truly flattered and honored to be featured on Darling Dexter. Check out the interview and if you feel inclined, please leave a little comment love! I put a good amount of thought into the answers, so I hope you read and enjoy. Thanks again Whitney!


littlebyrd said...

It was great! How funny that you went to the same school too.

please sir said...

I know - and only met up in the blogosphere!

AMM blog said...

I'm going to check out her blog asap. Thanks for the link Diana!

Michelle said...

Yea, she is great, so are you, two greats make a super duper.

hmstrjam said...

love the interview, love how you've decided to post more than just pretty pictures- the stuff from the design conference is great! keep it coming!

Jan said...

I read Darling Dexter too. She is darling. What an eye she has for loving you Pleasie. That is so neat about the same school. You are a delight and I just love reading your thoughts on design. You never disappoint.

yasmine said...

oh i've read DD before...i'll check out the post on you.

erin@designcrisis said...

Great interview! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

How fun! Congrats, lady.

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

how exciting, i love reading interviews! off to read the full post now...

Angela said...

congrat. will be checking out your interview!!

robin ann mcintosh said...

thanks for the new blog! xo

Michelle Parks McCourt said...

how cool, congrats. I am going to check out her blog.

Leciawp said...

Great interview and photos! Did you take them all? Fun learning more about you...can't wait to see that Etsy shop up and running.

summer said...

how fun!
i already hopped over to her blog to check it out- what a lovely place.
great interview :)

Rachel said...

Sweet. Heading over to check it out.

Anonymous said...

oh, awesome! congrats-- i'm going to read it right now!

Courtney said...

What a great interview! I think you do such a great job of bringing interesting content to your blog, and I have enjoyed your recent posts from the conference. And, oh that doctor bag... I swooned all over again seeing it there.

Hey Harriet said...

Congrats on the feature. It was a great interview & a really enjoyable read.

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