Monday, February 2, 2009

Gender Neutral

We had our testosterone fill so let's take a look at more amazing interiors photographed by Pierre-Jean Verger. These spaces have a gender neutral quality (ok maybe with a small touch of femininity, but that's not bad!). Plus I really like the fireplace, that DESK, the lights, those wire baskets and the great staircase.

Do you ever have decorating issues with your significant other? Can't agree on wall color or furnishings? How do you make decisions or do you have decorating rights?

I admit I'm a little scared of moving in with a guy in the is he going to handle ALL my vintage finds? Plus I know I'll want floral wallpaper on at least one wall!


K.Line said...

Love these! My taste is fairly contemporary eclectic. And I don't love super girly things - prefer clean spaces punctuated by gender neutral colour. Mind you, the walls in my house are all eggshell pink with grey trim. But I swear it doesn't look feminine at all.

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

this is perfect! love that desk, i actually really love square shaped furniture so that's quite neutral isn't, if i can just have my chandeliers! :)

Jan said...

I adore those wall storage units. Just perfect.

Anonymous said...

Keeping it gender neutral is definitely more practical. Whenever I see really girly bedrooms I know I can only look and not actually do it. A girl can dream. I love all the little details this designer incorporates. Very talented!

Leciawp said...

My husband has great taste and we usually agree on decorating issues, or can easily find something we do agree on. Don't worry Mr. Right will love you and your great collection of vintage! :)

paula said...

hubby pretty much gives me the go ahead on what ever. at the same time i lean away from more feminine looks for the home.

Kasey said...

I love that stairway.....

Jane Flanagan said...

Wow - I'm really boyish! I love these, but I still prefer the masculine spaces.

Anonymous said...

That stairway is breathtaking!

A.E. said...

It's difficult decorating with a guy! My boyfriend has very similar taste to mine, but it's interesting to see the differences especially when it comes to artwork or color choices! :)


Cindy said...

i love the last two, but i think the over-style would appeal to guys and girls. scott is pretty flexible, and lets me decorate how i like, too ;).

Julia said...

So get this, Andrew loves vintage maps, books, plaid, and little knick knacks! I never thought I would find a man who liked to decorate with similar things! I love these images!

Victoria said...

The top pick is true love, baby.

Michelle Parks McCourt said...

that bean bag and stair case rocks!!

Anonymous said...

I love these interiors! So pretty!

Anonymous said...

ryan and i have veeeeeeeeerrrry different taste, but we're learning to compromise! :) i really like those hanging lamps on the bottom left.

Joyce said...

I love the light fixtures. I'm not a girly, girl I guess why this post and the last I enjoyed the decor. My husband and I have similiar taste and he likes whatever I do.
My dear friend I'm sure the one that you live with will be very happy and lucky to have you and your vintage items share his toothbrush space.

Simple Answer said...

oooo. lots of ideas I can take away from here.

BTW - loved the men decor, my comments just wouldn't save!

Denise Kiggan said...

I love colour and I live neutrals too! I especially like the top room - those white walls, the wood, etc!

picciolo said...

we have very different ideas but mostly manage to find something that we both like, it sometimes just takes a while!
: )

Kristina said...

after several years of struggle,my vintage finds won.African masks,indian tapestry and publicity postcards are all in the basement,now.Never give up! :)

Stella said...

Your posts are always interesting!
I love the stairs :)

Camille said...

Now,anyone of these spaces are just my thing. Love the large snowball looking lights(?) in the bottom left pic!

Anonymous said...

Love the light fixtures. My husband and I arm wrestle over every design decision. He's function; I'm form. It works best for me to cart something home, put it in place, and then he loves it. Until he sees something in the space and uses it, he just doesn't get it.

summer said...

i'm crazy about that firewood cubbyhole- how perfect!

jae said...

Our decorating tastes are very similar, so lucky there. Our problem is that he is a pack rat......that is a decorating dilemma we are working on!!

Hey Harriet said...

That staircase is cool! I'd love to live in a place that had an interior staircase.

As long as your Mr Right appreciates floral wallpaper & vintage finds everything should be just fine :)

Unknown said...

These are great. Very inspiring. Will definitely keep note of these as I am planning on moving house.

AMM blog said...

More great gender it! I think a home that is co-inhabited [if that makes sense] should be friendly to both sexes!

erin@designcrisis said...

Yes, the tanker desk in the white room is to die for!

Ok, so you don't negotiate. Period. Sorry, but 99% of straight males have no taste. Have you seen their holey socks? Just imagine what they'd choose as furniture. I speak from painful experience.

Unknown said...

I love this post. These rooms are gorgeous.

I have to say that my husband is pretty open to my design choices as long as it's not too "girly". Yes, that's a technical term:) He has great style in the way he dresses, his accessories (ie. his glasses and his watch bc other than his wedding ring these are the only accoutrements that he wears on a daily-lol) but and when we recently bought a new couch he helped choose the style but for the most part, it's all me. And, I'm not complaining. I love buying things for our home. I love art and beautiful things. When we travel I always pick something up for our place to remember our visits. One day when we have more space I'd love a room that's just mine where I don't have to worry about things being too feminine or too "lovely". Our home is definitely a place where you know a boy and a girl live and while there are strictly masculine or feminine hints throughout, it doesn't go too strongly one way or the other.

Unknown said...

That beanbag in the first picture is totally calling my name right now! Lovely round up!

Anonymous said...

These are great photos!

I have the best husband ever, he told me when we married 6 years ago that I could decorate the house in ALL black if I wanted. However, I do try to keep him in mind as I go crazy painting and re-painting:)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your beautiful selection of interiors!

My husband and I had completly different aesthetics when we first met. His place was designed by a minimalist, outfitted with steel, chrome, dark wood, dark leather, and lots of grays and blacks. My aesthetic, like yours, included an abundance of vintage finds and eclectic collections. Now, our place is a melding of both our aesthetics, which is quite symbolic of marriage, I suppose. We both appreciate elements in each other's design aesthetics. It did take me two years to finally convince him that the thrift store was "safe" though! However, now he thinks that junk hunting is fun :)

Anonymous said...

My husband actually cares about the decorating of our house which is frustrating and helpful all at the same time (at what time did husbands start to care?) He really does have good design sense, though. I tend towards more color; he likes the blacks and the browns. So I'm on a mission to incorporate everything-we'll see how it goes. Seeing as though we have two boys, I think I'll have to keep it pretty neutral. I do, however, have one room "all my own" which I plan to fix up without any manly advice whatsoever!

Esti said...

My husband thinks that changing things (wall color, furniture...) is a waste of time and money. He's comfortable like it is and doesn't hesitate to speak his mind decoration wise... which turns things a little difficult for me :)

Dottie said...

i tell you, these rooms are lovely. my boyfriend & i are moving in together soon & i'm trying to find the best ways to keep the space neutral but pretty. it's a good thing he'll tolerate my vintage goods & crafty decorations.

Anonymous said...

Lovely lovely rooms! Just girly enough to please me :)

My husband used to think he had a say in what we do with our interior, but they learn pretty quick who's boss in that department!

And thanks Diana for adding me to your blogroll! I've got you on mine now too---don't know how I'd missed ya!

Unknown said...

i can just picture myself in that first setting along with friends sitting around, discussing, snacking. it's so inviting. the staircase shot is really nice.

i've yet to live with a guy, so i haven't had these issues so far. hopefully if/when it happens we can work out a compromise where we could somehow work both of our styles and tastes into the mix. or hopefully he'll be nonchalant about it all and i can just have my way! ha ha!

mchl said...

oh man! i want one of each, please. slap it all together and call it mine!


Joanna said...

Lovely interiors; the first pic is my favorite. I don't live with my boyfriend, but I've often wondered just to what extent we would butt heads if it ever came to the two of us decorating a place. Eeek.

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