Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Sense of Place

Photographer Susana Raab’s series A Sense of Place brings us into the homes of Southern literary greats - Eudora Welty, Flannery O’Connor and William Faulkner. Below are my favorites along with excerpts about each photograph. I felt the descriptions were just as important and compelling as the images.

"These photographs were taken on a March afternoon in the library, living room and kitchen of Southern Writer Eudora Welty's home, which she lived in until her death."

"Flannery, a devout Catholic, raised peacocks on her Georgia farm. Peacocks are symbolic of the resurrection, a fact that surely did not escape the allegorically minded O'Connor."

"This is the desk where William Faulkner typed out his Nobel prize winning novels, complete with a tin of his pipe tobacco, My Mixture, at his side, and his golf clubs stowed in the corner."

"This is the phone that William Faulkner was summoned to while working in the fields, to learn the news that he had won the Nobel Prize for Literature. The writing above the phone is Faulkner's informal address book, preserved in his own handwriting."

The poetic photographs provide a peek into these author's intimate spaces, almost like seeing a piece of their history. In each photograph I can imagine them cooking, writing and contemplating ideas. I also think of my good friend Allison, a Southern Literature major with passion and talent. I dedicate this post to you, Allison - to keep you inspired and motivated during long, writing endevours.

Purchase these and more wonderful prints at Susana's Etsy shop and view other stunning photographs at her website. Definitely worth a look!


  1. i'm head over heels with faulkner's phone nook.

  2. SAME HERE - isn't that such a wonderful idea?!

  3. Oh, I can't tell you how I love these images and even more so, the stories behind them. The peacock feathers leave me speechless. What an amazing grouping of true Southern greats. This peek inside their intimate spaces is an incredible treat. Thanks for sharing this excellent post!

  4. Love this! Have you seen the writer's rooms section in the Guardian? You would also love!

  5. I love the peacock feathers. I used to be obsessed w/them as a child! I had a huge bouquet of them in a tall vase like that in my room.

  6. i love the kitchen one. the feeling it provokes is what i want in my kitchen. love it!

  7. These are AMAZING! Especially the Faulkner photos :)

  8. Why am I not surprised that I love Eudora Welty's light filled kitchen? Sigh. I love Southern authors.

  9. what a great concept and beautiful photos too, i'm still lusting all the vintage typewriters and telephones, which i feel will never change!

  10. i *love* that library shot - that sofa is to die for!

  11. What great photos, thanks so much for sharing that!!

  12. D- you did it again!! When I looked at the first pic my thoughts were "oh this is my favorite" I can almost smell a pie in the oven, then I scorll down to peacock feathers. I love peacock feathers!!
    Coming here is like turning a page of my favorite book!

  13. i love the kitchen and the desk. going to visit her. thanks!

  14. i feel like Joyce...with every photo i thought...oooo that is my favorite...and then another one...oooo that is my favorite...the library!!! the kitchen and that window!!! i love love love the typewriter and i'm just about to get up and start writing on my walls when i see that telephone nook...

    i love visiting places like these...i still remember a family visit to a Thomas Edison home in a little girl i was wide eyed and amazed when the guide told us there were light bulbs burning there since the time he was living there... it was like being transported by a time machine...

  15. I could easily cook in that kitchen.

  16. i'm loving that kitchen/writing desk scene!
    so perfect!

  17. i love the photo of the phone and the scribbles on the wall.

  18. The Faulkner "phone booth" is awesome.

    Great photo series!

  19. What a beautiful post. That put me in a much better mood, thanks for sharing.

  20. these spaces are so incredible! so many writers i admire are from the south and to see their spaces captured in this way is truly a delight. one of my favorite posts!

  21. how I love that library. very fitting for a writer.

  22. I luv anything w books...the more the merrier!

  23. These are great. I love that wall full of books. The perfect place to lounge and sip on a cup of coffee:)

  24. these are so great! i just love that kitchen ... you know lots of good stuff + lots of great family moments took place there.

  25. Beautiful images.. great stories behind them too!

  26. Wonderful photos! The Faulkner ones are my faves!

  27. how inspiring! although i'm not a writer, i long for a book shelf filled with as many books as those!

  28. My heart is throbbing hard... Faulkner is one of my very favorite writers and it's my dream to visit his place. Thanks for bringing me closer to the master.

  29. those are beautiful photos diana. lots of personality!

    whew...just catching up on my favourite blogs.

  30. I love the peacock feathers!!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Beautiful post!! I love a peek inside.

    The typewriter photo is great - can't you just sense him looking out that window conjuring things up?

    I also *love* a bookcase jammed full. And messy, like it's being used.

  33. beautiful photographs, and i would love to have a library like that.

  34. Great post. The images bring you right in as if you were standing there and then the descriptions put the cherry on top!

  35. Thx for sharing, these are just splendid. The library in the 1st pic is to die for.

  36. Wow---it's amazing to me how these photos capture the very thing that these authors were known for...a sense of mystery and drama combined with a reverence for the everyday. Gorgeous!

  37. Eudora Welty is one of my favorite writers. I can feel her in those photos-- the two rooms where she undoubtedly spent a lot of time...

  38. I'm heading over there right now. thank you for sharing. I love the light in all of those photos. I learn SO much from seeing the work of other photographers. thanks, again:)

  39. Mmm Faulkner has to be one of my favorite authors and I LOVE, love, love his address book idea. If only I had a wall to spare.

  40. Beautiful! I enjoy your blog so much - your sense of what is visually valuable has such a range.
    These photos are stunning, and stir something in this southern girl far from home in the snowy north.
    And the photo of Faulkner's typing desk caught my eye because we have that lamp! Exactly the same! I am not sure if it is in our antique shop or packed in the barn - but now I have to find it.
    Thanks for sharing these photos, Hilary

  41. these are fantastic. love the story behind the william faulkner phone.


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