Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wendy Chidester

Paintings of vintage cameras, adding machines and typewriters - what more could you ask for? Utah artist Wendy Chidester says, “I love to wander through antique shops and junk yards looking for old, worn objects to inspire me to paint. Things that most people pass by as junk make great subject matter for my paintings."

I love Chidester's work and I completely understand her desire to paint new life into these objects. Her paintings are very inspiring, especially since I've also been interested in painting some of my antique finds. I think we would be great antique buddies, and I would love to learn a thing or two about her amazing painting skills!

Check out more of Chidester's work here!


  1. These are really beautiful. She is an exceptional talent. I especially love the colors in the first painting and I simply can not resist a vintage typewriter. Gorgeous!

  2. these are incredible! while they're all fantastic, i loooove the typewriter. thanks for sharing!

  3. her painterly-style is incredible. i love the soft tones with those hints of red. hope you paint some of your vintage finds, too.

  4. these paintings are amazing! i would love to display one just above a vintage typewriter at my home, one day!

  5. Wonderful artist and link!! Thank you!!

  6. What a find. These are all quite wonderful!

  7. In love. That typewriter has my name typed in there somewhere. I love the vintage look of them Pleasie.

  8. i sure like the typewriter painting. excellent find!

  9. I am so totally smitten with these artworks!!! Thanks so much for sharing them. Off to explore further. You feature the BEST finds :)

  10. these remind me of a spontaneous poetry seesion i went to in seattle. Cool chics behind old type writers...writing a poem for a little dough...so cool!

  11. wow, how awesome would these be hung up in a library room of the house?>

  12. Love these. Great find Diana

  13. I realllllly like these paints! There is something so warm and inviting- makes me want to start typing on the keys. I love it!! xoxo

  14. holy mackerel (sp?)...i'm in love. these are gorgeous!

  15. These are really something!

  16. wonderful. such stillness and beauty.

  17. these are lovely. a great gift for a writer

  18. Ohh I never thought of giving these to a writer - yeah, I agree!

  19. These are right up my alley! Thanks for sharing.

  20. Neat! What a good idea for a painting, and beautifully done too.
    Thanks for sharing!

  21. OH...I'd just love to take her to a flea market with me to paint the treasure we could find!

  22. how amazing are these paintings!!

  23. Great! I love old typewriters, i got one of the 70's

  24. Glad to know someone besides me appreciates antique cameras... goodness knows I have enough of them!

  25. Thanks for all the comments! It's great to hear from the viewers.

  26. i was recently turned on to your work and i love it. especially the cameras.really great i will def keep coming back.


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