Thursday, March 12, 2009

American Icons

I love Glamour Magazine's American Icons article, which features 2009 young talents as famous female risk takers, rule breakers and style makers from the last seven decades. Some of my favorite impressions are Emma Roberts as Audrey Hepburn (she looks so cute!), Alexis Bledel as Rosie the Riveter, and Camilla Belle as Mary Tyler Moore. The photographs are really fun and full of life - check out more here.

Which American Icon would you want to be?

Hmm...I still have to think about mine and I'll post in the comments...excited to hear your response!


  1. Audrey Hepburn, classic, sophisticated and elegant.

  2. i think i'd pick audrey hepburn, too. love her.

  3. How fun! I've got this issue at home but haven't cracked it open. I'd be Rita Hayworth myself. Had a crush on her since I first saw "Shawshank."

  4. Amelia Earhart, hands down.

    She was smart as a whip, charming, irreverently stylish, beautiful; the best kind of girl!

  5. Agh! I hadn't seen this! Brilliant :)

  6. Hhhmmmm, something to ponder over. What a great article and those ladies look fantastic!

  7. I'm pretty sure Audrey was Belgian, but no matter, I would still be her in a heart-beat.

  8. These are so much fun! I have no idea who I would be.... I don't think about icons very often.

  9. oooh LOVE these images. i'm pretty sure my pick is Rosy! great post!

  10. i love alexis bledel!

    i think i would want to be mia farrow or lauren hutton.

  11. oh my goodness! swoon! such a great idea!

  12. Oh, what a great question! While I love Madame Hepburn, I think I'm more partial to Anna Karina (love love love her) or Twiggy.

  13. Ahahaha alexis bledel looks so funny!

  14. this is so super cool!

    i'm not sure who i'd want to be - i'm horribly indecisive and would want the best parts of several ladies... a frankenstein of american icons of sorts.

    (does the fact that i'm canadian mean i have to pick a canadian icon?) ;)

  15. I like the girl in the middle (have no idea who she is and I dont want to guess which probably tells ya how young I am). I like her b/c she has two qualities I adore: She looks strong and poised, and yet she also looks very feminine. Wait, that is three qualities.

  16. Kind of funny that Carrie Bradshaw apparently ranks with Rosie the Riveter. I also have no idea who that Emma Stone girl is.

  17. these are awesome! there's a such a great energy and freshness to the photos.

  18. Brilliant post! I'm going to have to think about my answer..

  19. Adorable! I happen to heart classic images re-shot with modern models. Thanks for sharing these.

  20. I'm really surprised that Jackie O isn't pictured here. I'd likely pick her or Hepburn. Classy ladies!

  21. these photos are so great! off to read more :)

  22. Love this post! Great Q! I think I'd want to be Clara Barton . . . founder of the Red Cross!


  23. This is a tough one...I wondered why Jackie O wasn't on the list either? She is one I admire.

  24. ooh.. of these, I would go with Audrey. but i've always admired the elegance of Grace Kelly. she's so refined & polished & perfect!

  25. I'm such a big fan of Alexis Bledel..this is great! Thanks for the post

  26. For all you young folks! The first girl is pictured to be HOLLY GOLIGHTLY aka AUDREY HEPBURN in the famous movie, "Breakfast at Tiffanys". The second girl is supposed to be Rosie the Riveter. She was a poster girl for all the women that work to help out World War II, since the men were fighting overseas, the women had to take up the slack at the factories.

  27. i would agree on audrey. she was a beauty and her work for humanitarian causes was wonderful.

  28. Totally Audrey, but I am a fan of Rosie :)

  29. I love this little series of photos. Glamour stepped their game up.

    I would choose Mary Tyler Moore because I used to watch it with my mom all the time. "Who can turn the world on with her smile?"

  30. OH I want the black dress, the pink coat. I remember MTM..loved that show.

  31. Ooo...Lauren Bacall is a good one, Jolie! :-)

    That Emma Roberts frock rocks my world. And...hmmm...What American icon would I be...Lucille Ball is certainly up there. Funny as hell, an amazing business woman, and pretty bad a$$ for her time. ;-)


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