Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day at the Park

Even through my sickly snuffles I was determined to enjoy the warm weather and use my film camera this weekend. The cold medicine must have made an impact because I photographed everything blurry - probably because that is how my head felt! But, is it wrong to love these blurry moments, maybe even intentionally create these blurred events?

These nontechnical photos still capture my emotions that day at the park. It was daylight savings...my head was a bit fuzzy...the park was a nice escape...and the time changed.

I also got a chance to work on an Unravelling assignment to photograph your reflection - check them out on Flickr.

Do you ever think blurry thoughts?


  1. wow. i love the one of the birds and the dock. it's got the blurry goodness working for it.

  2. I really like blurry photos,life is a bit blurry these days so...

  3. these are great! not painfully blurry at all. so appropriate for cold/daylight savings.

  4. Love the one with the birds. Kinda like the blurry stuff it really makes you look better at the photograph.

  5. I also love the blurry photos. I've been working with the macro button lately trying to figure the whole blurry thing out.

  6. Oh man!! We're soo close to the end of winter. Can't wait for hanging out, drinkin' a beer, and going to a few BBQs.

  7. I like the bluriness too. It is soft and interesting - very nice photos! I hope you get to feeling better soon!

  8. Poor, fuzzy head!

  9. your blurry pictures are just right. blur is not necessarily a bad thing, unless you're driving or operating some sort of machinery ;).

  10. I like your blurry photos! My thoughts are often blurry so I can relate well to your images :)

  11. Oh dear if you took this photos with not feeling well- I can't wait to see when you are feeling yourself!! These are great!!! I took my camera on a walk with me. I love how you captured the beauty of time.

  12. Oh thank you, thank you! I can't wait to be better!

  13. Wow your cold/flu has been sticking around for a long time! Time to kick it out the front door eh! I hear we're getting a 60F weekend up here in Portland. Perhaps another sunny weekend to look forward to!

  14. I wish you felt better, but these are quite lovely.

  15. pretty pretty! Hope the weather cooperates and you can recover fully soon :)

  16. I like how it gives the images a gentle softness. Very nice! Feel better. ☺

  17. I think the bluriness works. Lends a sense of movement to the images.

    Hope you're feeling much better!

  18. Oh, I love th e picture of the birds taking flight. Sorry to hear that you are still not 100%

  19. I think they are extra wonderful as they not only capture the external of the day, but the internal as well. Hope you feel completely better very soon!

  20. I often have blurry thoughts! I hope your sniffles go soon
    : )

  21. Oh heaven's yes! Too often, actually! :)

    Get better darling!


  22. The week before finals, my mind is always a bit blurry :)

    Nice post!

  23. love them all! and who is the cute boy? :)

  24. Hope you're feeling better! Perfect bokeh - you're getting good with that camera!

  25. Every night, right before I fall asleep my thoughts are all crazy and blurry.

  26. These are so great, Diana! Keep up the good work! :)

  27. I like the blurry aspect to them. And I do think blurry thoughts sometimes when I am super tired or sick.

  28. I was on vacation once and it was sooo hot, like 110 ยบ, and humid that I got woosie and all my photos were crooked, like I'd taken them while drunk.
    they are some of my favorite photos of that trip.

  29. I hope you're feeling better Diana!

  30. Film photos! Yay! I am so proud of you. :-) I think they look great. And as for thinking blurry...every day, lately, for me.


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