Friday, March 27, 2009

Green with Envy

You really can't get enough of John Granen's photographs...which is why I had to do another post about them. I'm not a gardener or a landscaper, but I LOVE plants. Hopefully one day I will learn more about plants for future awesome house with garden. For now I only know how to take care of one type of plant (I don't even know what it's called...I just know they don't die easily) so all my plants are the same! Therefore, these gardens make me green with envy.

Since it will be raining all weekend I can at least live vicariously through these images. Do you love plants too? If so, why not get a little dirty this weekend?

But, before you get dirt under your nails...don't forget to enter the UPrinting Giveaway....I'll be drawing names tonight! Happy weekend!


  1. Just gorgeous! I love the colour of the armoire on the bottom left!

  2. Lovely, I gotta get out of Idaho. We have a high of like 25 today!!

  3. I love plants, but they don't love me! My husband says we should let our backyard go prairie. ;)

  4. These are the perfect images for starting the weekend!

  5. How lush! These are gorgeous, I love Balinese gardens especially.

  6. I want to be in that courtyard sitting by the blue doors sipping coffee or a glass of wine with those cafe lights strung before me (not sure they're from the same space, but this is my daydream, so it works!) Absolutely gorgeous.

  7. I kill everything I touch but that hasn't stopped me from trying to have a pretty little garden like these(!) I especially love that second photo with the blue doors. Wouldn't it be fabulous to have breakfast in that spot on a warm day?

  8. I love plants. I can't wait to get my hands dirty and garden this spring. If only it would stop raining here...

  9. What a gorgeous sanctuary! I love the light strands. I want these for my wedding!

  10. I dont think I can live without plants at home, as you would have guessed..plants and flowers are my top fav at home. Have a great weekend/hugs/m

  11. "yard work" is not my thing. a friend once said she knew this because I didn't say "garden"! lol.. I did try planting seeds last weekend and poted about them. I had a tiny little surprise when I went to peak today at my little tray. smile....

    I love the photos! Enjoy your weekend! xoxo

  12. wow these are amzing, wish i had an outdoor area this nice.

  13. These are gorgeous - make me long for an outdoor space. And some sunshine!

  14. LOVE the photo with the blue doors... I want to sit there! Hope you ENJOY your weekend!

  15. I do love plants and have been dying to get in the garden ( even though I have no clue what I am doing!) but there is still too much snow on the ground. Those are such a lovely images--love the garden light strands and that blue door is perfect.

  16. i really need a garden! its images like this that make me slightly resent downtown and its lack of anything green...
    beautiful images!

  17. I've been adding green indoors. I love the blue door!

  18. I love plants.... great pictures!

    In Italy has also rained a lot this weekend:(

    Have a nice week!

  19. These are such lovely green photos. I really like the little round bulbs that are hanging. I would really love to put some in my backyard, it needs a bit of fairy magic at the moment!

  20. This post and these photos completely mesh with my mindset these days.

  21. I love the lush, secret garden feel of these!

  22. I want that entire living arrangement. I'm tired of living in a cookie-cutter subdivision!!!!

  23. sooo sooo pretty. i need to attend to my little garden pop.

  24. these are fantastic photos! i particularly love the one with the string of lightbulbs - it reminds me of a humid summer day. you can practically *see* the moisture in the air, no?


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