Sunday, March 29, 2009


Seagrove, North Carolina is a small town known for its rich pottery traditions and many amazing, local potteries. But, on a recent trip I discovered another wonderful Seagrove site - the Seagrove Orchids. The greenhouse was filled with rows and rows of beautiful and colorful orchids. Of course, I immediately spazzed out with my camera!

My good ol' film camera did a great job of capturing the true colors of these amazing flowers. Besides a little cropping I kept the original fancy Photoshop coloring or black and white conversions. I love post-processing and coloring techniques, but my creative subconscious kept saying, "Let the subjects speak - leave it alone!" So I did...and I'm very glad.

While flipping through the photos I could literally smell fresh flowers. Crazy how photographs can play tricks on your senses. Here's to a bright week ahead and to remember to smell the flowers along the way.


  1. What at perfect time for an Orchid post! I would love to buy one.. but they are really expensive... esp me.. a BROWN.. DARK brown thumb.

  2. the next to last one is my favorite. You did a fine job!these would look lovely as prints

  3. oh boy! i love orchids, they're so alien and variable.
    i went to the singapore orchid gardens and it was jsut amazing.

  4. One can never have enough of orchids..

  5. i love orchids!!!
    and gorgeous photos!

  6. these are stunning; i am particularly fond of the pale yellow ones. what a lovely way to start the week!

  7. these are absolutely gorgeous! i especially love the pale pink and yellow.

  8. These are incredible, really, they are! Obviously, the flowers are beautiful, but you did a fabulous job of capturing them on film. Seriously, your photography skills are enviable!

  9. orchids are so beautiful! my mum loves them and she has like 10 pots around the house!!

  10. Love orchids and these look beautiful. You were right to let them speak, but isn't photoshop so much fun to play with?

  11. You did a wonderful job of capturing their magical beauty! Gorgeous!

  12. what lovely shots! I am longing for spring with all it's colors:)

  13. Gorgeous photos! They make me want to get my hands in some dirt and grow things!

    I just love the smell of greenhouses and flower's unlike any other in the world!

  14. Orchids are the most magical of flowers, if you ask me. Love these images!

  15. Ditto! Your camera and you did a fabulous job on the photos! Simply beautiful!!

    Enjoy! xoxo

  16. These photos are so gorgeous! I love orchids. Thank you for sharing your trip.

  17. These are YOURS? darling, please tell you do photography as a profession :) I loved all the orchids, they're a favorite of mine. The second photo down is so dreamy!

  18. ohmy. there are no words to describe this magical place or these images. I wish I was there right now.

  19. Thank you so much! I appreciate all the photo support.

  20. You should look at this it is pretty funny. It is kind of part of my job to look at things like this all day, so I thought of this from a while back when I saw this post :)

  21. My father grew orchids all during my early childhood. He built his own greenhouse, and I think he had 200 orchids, all different types. They were lovely, but I hated going to greenhouses on vacations at age eight!

  22. This is soooo beautiful! I love the orchids, so so pretty! You have a very lovely blog :)

    - if you would like to view my blogs please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail.

    xx Jennifer.

  23. GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! these are so gorgeous. it is funny that you posted this. i am working on a painting with orchids in it, and it is HARD to paint orchids. but i am going to make it happen. and hopefully it turns out like i am wanting it to!

  24. The photos are beautiful! I love orchids, but I have an unfortunate track record of killing them almost instantly, despite owning numerous books on orchid care. I've finally given up.

  25. these are beautiful!!

    thanks for the lovely comment :)

  26. wow your photos are amazing! They don't need photoshop anywhere near them
    : )

  27. I bought an orchid around this time last a similar looking place to Seagrove (but in NJ) and was DETERMINED to take good care of it to get it to bloom again. I'm happy to say... a year later, and many loving fertilizing sessions later...There's new blooms on that there orchid of mine. Yay! Hopefully they open...

    These lovely photos leave me wanting more (photos, and orchids. :-)

  28. Beautiful photos!! Wish I had a green thumb!

  29. so beautiful! i need the love package to drop a note for these beauties!

  30. gorgeous shots! i can almost smell them here too :)

  31. These are stunning -- I love seeing how your photography is evolving... are you still taking your class?

  32. i LOVE orchids! if onyl i could keep them alive...:(

  33. your photographs are just beautiful! i love it that you acutally used... film! *gasp!*

  34. they're so clear and vivid. i really like the first shot. flowers are so amazing.


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