Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Weekend

I love these whimsical and quirky photographs by Nancy Honey. Even her name sounds delicious. Aren't these a great start to the weekend? They make me smile and remember to keep an open, child-like imagination. This weekend I'm going to try my hand at more photography work. It's refreshing to work with film again and the results are better than my dinky digital camera. Also, manual focus makes me excited and it's like Christmas morning when I open the one hour photo envelope. We'll see what happens!

Here's to a fun and imagination-filled weekend - Happy Friday!


Jan said...

I love the ring over the gloves. Classic.

jae said...

I'm more of a digital gal. I really like that I can review something right on the spot in case I didn't get it as I imagined....which is generally, the case.

Paula said...

I love these! There's something very appealing about the second one, like its a grown up tea party. Thanks for sharing these really fun images and good luck with your photography over the weekend!

Leciawp said...

That first image is so, so perfect!! Happy weekend my dear!

Joyce said...

These pics are fun!! I still have me 35mm that I still enjoy taking pictures with once and awhile and enjoy the digital too. I look forward to seeing more of your pics.
Have a golden weekend my friend! xoxo

Fifi Flowers said...

Ooooooooooooooh your post is sooooo FASHIONABLE!!! I ADORE that second photo... it would make a GREAT painting... soooooo FUN... I'm stealing it!
ENJOY your weekend!

Sara Christine said...

That third photo makes me think of two words: Crime. Scene. :)

My Mom just gave me her old film camera, and I'm a little scared to use it. Maybe I'll fiddle with it this weekend. Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

I love the first one!! happy weekend to you to!

Cindy said...

these are fun and that's what you should have this weekend, fun!

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, those pictures are just wonderful--they definitely make me smile. Have fun with your photographing this weekend!

Unknown said...

Fun photos, though I couldnt imagine myself eating with gloves on, the only gloves I have are for gardening...Happy weekend D

drollgirl said...

fantastic photos and FANTASTIC NAME!!! LOVE IT!

Unknown said...

such fun! i look forward to some child-like fun this weekend myself. :-)

Anonymous said...

what fun photos! have a good weekend- i can't wait to see what comes of the photo-taking extravaganza!

The House That A-M Built said...

Gorgeous photos.... so whimsical. Have a lovely weekend. A-M xx

yasmine said...

love them! i like how they're casual and whimsical.

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

Super fun photos! I've been experimenting with film lately too--so much harder without the immediate feedback of the view finder on the digital cameras. But I love the look of film. How about you? Are you more conservative with film? Can't wait to see your pics. Have a great weekend.

Julie @ Belle Maison said...

great pics! especialy the last one :) enjoy your weekend snapping photos :)

Brittany | the Home Ground said...

These are fantastic images! Have fun with your camera :)

i.d. said...

Ha! I love that last pic. Happy weekend to you too! x

Hila said...

Too too sweet! This post made me smile :)

aimee said...

very nice! i gave my six year old the camera today and she found such interesting things... i wish i could see life the way she does.

Stella said...

Your post are always interesting
I like take picture....have a nice weekend!

littlebyrd said...

Have a wonderful weekend! I really can't wait to see more of your pictures!

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous. Hope you had a great weekend! The snow has all melted away and it's officially Spring weather time here in the south:)

nelya said...

How fun!

Nihal said...

So true, I too like the childlike enthusiasm and their unmatched imagination. I do never let the child in me go out.
Lookin' 4ward to seeing your photography works Di, 2 cents if you share with us:)
Happy Monday~

Esti said...

Perfect pictures to start the week in a colorful mood too :)

Holly said...

yes, these are fantastic! i wish my last name was Honey!

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Fun photos!

suzanne cabrera said...

You must be psychic. These images perfectly capture the feelings generated by the good weather this weekend. Love them.

I also love yours from yesterday!!! Big fun!

Anonymous said...

These are pure joy, aren't they? They remind me of being little and Friday being such a massive thing of excitement! Playing with friends, playing dressings up etc!! Thanks so much for the post!

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