Thursday, March 5, 2009

Limetree Cottage

Designed by Barbara Weiss Architects, the Limetree Cottage takes me away to dreams of living in England, wearing Burberry and eating Sunday roast. Oh goodness I miss Yorkshire pudding. I studied and lived abroad in England, so I always have a yearning desire to visit again and again. Travel photos and lovely places also tend to foster my travel itch even more!

Located in the Wiltshire country side, the Limetree Cottage was gutted and refurbished to create a light and airy family weekend retreat. Beautiful gardens, exposed dishes, simple dining, lofty linens and lush green grass all make this interior a worthy place to get lost in for awhile.


  1. Amazing! They did such an amazing job on this refurbishment!

  2. The word tranquil comes to mind. I'd definitely love to get lost here for a little while. ☺

  3. All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...

  4. Will those people please adopt me? I will leave right away!
    I have never been to the UK, but for some reason I have a deep yearning to. (My husband calls it an obsession.)
    Perhaps all of those Jane Austen novels?
    Love the blog- keep up the good work!

  5. ::sigh:: cottage life.... I just want to sit by window and drink tea all afternoon

  6. this is tops!
    I dream of getting away to a place like this. Perfect for some Thursday blues.

  7. It's all so easy breezy. Can I move in tomorrow?

  8. well the inside is a surprise! i thought it was a different house!

  9. This is beautiful! I love your blog! :)
    - if you would like to view my blog just e-mail me! xoxox

  10. *sighs* And then we would have high tea with splits and Earl Grey!

  11. Maybe we can pool our resources and go for a vacation this spring. This cottage is just lovely.

  12. This is lovely. I adore the white room with the rocking chair, and the lush greenery outside. Soooo nice!

  13. how sweet is this place! the insides is gorgeous too!

  14. Oh my heart aches for this cottage.

  15. So, so lovely...these images take me away!!

  16. i love the lightness of the interiors...what a dreamy place!

  17. this one's so super cute! it reminds me of the lil cottage that Mouse posted a while ago, only bigger.

  18. Wait for me -----

  19. If you studied and lived there, you must really miss the rich history and architecture. This is my idea of a cottage!

  20. Yeah I could live there! Even the name is gorgeous. Limetree Cottage. I love that :)

  21. getting lost never looked or sounded so good!

  22. whats up, beautiful kitchen of my dreams?

  23. This is so appealing to me. I have always always wanted to go to England - I am jealous you got to spend some time there! For now these pictures will have to do :)

  24. how do you keep sneaking in to my house and getting all these lovely pics of my fab stuff? i wish.

  25. That's positively lovely! I want to visit there, gorgeous!

  26. I'll bring the scones if you bring the tea! I adore the kitchen!!

  27. Hmm, I am so sorry to demur but don't you think the architects have effaced the whole character of the house? You could be anywhere.

  28. so fresh and fantastically simple with a bit of that 'country' charm... i absolutely love it.

  29. I kind of wish they'd left some of the historical details! But I'm going to imagine that some unpleasant previous owners had already gutted it.

    It's clean and pretty, but not really "old England"ish on the inside.

  30. Divine, so rustic on the outside and so modern on the inside, my kinda place.

  31. Beautiful. I adore the 2nd to last photo... that window!
    (My daughter will be studying and living in England next fall. I am so happy for her!)

  32. Delightfully charming and that bedroom is absolutely ethereal. In fact, the only reason I would get out of bed would be to open the windows and let in the lovely scents of the cutting garden I imagine is directly outside my window.

  33. Quite minimalistic - yet warm and inviting!

  34. oh my goodness. it is perfect in every way. i want to move in.

  35. so serene. i'd love to spend an extended period there.

  36. this sounds like a dream! i would LOVE to escape to a place like this every weekend!

  37. This place is heaven. How I would love to live there.

  38. I love my home but sure wouldn't mind a place in the country like this to go away to and forget about the real world. It's beautiful.

  39. I would so love to live there!


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