Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Snow Days

Snow is rare in my North Carolina town, so when the winter flurries arrive it's quite a treat and provides beautiful photographic opportunities. After Monday's big snow storm I grabbed my old 35mm and digital camera to document this special occasion. As much as I want spring to arrive, it was nice to give winter a proper good-bye.

A snow covered bridge hiding in a forest of trees.

An icy bog filled with snowy trees...I find this spot so magical.

Delicate and amazing icicles dangling from my window view.

I love this old house on a snow white hill, which I pass on my way to work each day. I always get lost in imagining the people and stories of past hiding within.

I even love the blurry photos...the fading of winter into spring.


  1. beautiful. i love the white + blue.

  2. Thank you! I was excited to use my 35mm again!

  3. soooo pretty - what a lovely sendoff for winter!

    i think my favourite is the bridge one. great job!

  4. So beautiful. Good for you for grabbing the camera - when we get an ice storm I just seem to shut myself indoors under blankets with the kids!

  5. What a gorgeous group of images.

  6. You did this?! Wow, these are really spectacular, Diana. You have some serious photography skills and the scenery is breathtaking. You truly captured some magical moments, beautifully done!

  7. These photos are just beautiful!

  8. Wow, SO beautiful!!

  9. they are all gorgeous ... i particularly love the icicles.

  10. These are gorgeous, breathtaking really. thx for sharing:)

  11. WOW!!! These photos are incredible! You have a magical eye and lens, and the photo of the bog is so mystical.

  12. Fantastic winter pictures. I still longing for spring, but here in Sweden you can expect snow a few more weeks ...

  13. Ours was beautiful too (in Atlanta) -- only wish it had lasted longer. Thanks for the lovely photos.

  14. these are truly marvelous. you were able to get such pretty shots!
    winter pictures are still one of my favorite things, even though i'm so sick of being cold!

  15. Hi Friend.. Interesting post.. Nice cool blog.. Keep up the good work.. Do visit my blog and post your comments.. Take care mate.. Cheers!!!

  16. so beautiful. see i can totally admire snow from this point of view but if it ever snowed in los angeles i would freak!

  17. these photos are so beautiful, i love a proper snow that stays! :)

  18. OMG your photos are beautiful!! I love the bridge and the house! Does anyone live in it? Keep snapping away! xoxo

  19. You took all of these incredible photos? You're a master, darling! They're so magical!

  20. Believe it or not, yes I took these photos! Thanks for all the encouragement...I've been trying to work on my photography skills.

    Joyce - no one lives in the house, it is way to dilapidated, but that's why I love it.

  21. Di, your photos so wonder+fully captured, bravissima sei! As I stated on my page, we received snow on Christmas day -it was only one day snowing-, and even since then no. Spring spring spring goes here. I think the beautiful nature has no mercy at all. If nature says, "I'm going to snow", then nothing to do.
    N'joy your winter for me as well:)

  22. Wow the icicles look so beautiful! Strong yet fragile. We never get icicles here, it makes me sad.

  23. oh my! these are so amazing! you have such a great eye....i especially love that first one.

  24. These are GORGEOUS shots! LOVE the bridge!

  25. these pics are great! Living in TX, I haven't seen snow in ages, luckily I'm going to Colorado this weekend to finally get my fix. These photos are getting me so excited!

  26. these are beautiful! we didn't get snow in wilmington, and even though i'm urging on spring, i can't help loving a good snow fall. thanks for sharing!

  27. so beautiful!!! watch out those icicles look dangerous... so much snow here too it's crazy!

  28. I love the pics! But....tired of looking at the snow. Here In Chicago, it's been a brutal winter....

  29. WOW! Your pictures are amazing! The first one and the ice cycles one were favorites but they were all so wonderful. It is fun to get a snow day when it is out of the ordinary - just a magical feeling, isn't it?

  30. lovely photos! a fitting & beautiful tribute to saying goodbye to winter...

  31. Amazing amazing photos---but I'd expect nothing less from you my dear!

    I do the same thing when I drive by old houses or go into antique stores--I just can't help but imagine all the stories that have come before my own!

  32. Oh so lovely!!! Snow days are good days, especially when they're a rare treat!

  33. nice! The haunted house is particularly evocative!

  34. your photos are wonderful, what a beautiful area you live in
    : )

  35. Simply stunning photos - such beauty...
    thanks for sharing..:)

  36. I'm in awe of all that snowed beauty. The house is so beautiful... and that last picture is absolutely splendid!

  37. Your photos are beautiful! I've never seen snow - you make it seem so magical. I love that second one.

  38. It's great that you captured this. Snow can be so beautiful when it first falls and you have absolutely shown it at it's best. I love them all, but the one of the bog is magical!

  39. Gorgeous pics! That top one with the bridge is my favorite. Just perfect.

  40. beautiful set!!!

    i'm rarely in snow. i'm not a cold weather girl. it's beautiful though--just like a storybook.

  41. these photos are beautiful, diana!!

  42. These are magical photos!!! All of them wonderful, but the old house one is my fave. Awesome!!!

  43. The photos are stunning and the capture of still snow... but the house.. suddenly I was reminded of a horror film... lol I don't know why... lol

  44. Your photos are stunning! You have even managed to make me appreciate the snow!

  45. Great photos...thanks for sharing!

  46. Diana...these are AMAZING! You have a wonderful eye!!

  47. These photos are absolutely gorgeous-- the bog and the bridge both looks like magical places. Beautiful.

  48. Diana, I love these photos. Champagne powder makes everything pretty, doesn't it?


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