Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The weather is warming up, the cherry blossoms are blooming and the sun is coming out. Sounds like picnic season is right around the corner! The picnic photographs by Hiroyo Kaneko really give spring fever. If I was surrounded by cherry blossoms I would have a hard time resisting the urge to dance and roll around in their falling petals. Yep, their beauty would make me become a crazy lady.

Prepare your perfect picnic with a French picnic set, a vintage inspired basket or a modern picnic bag!


  1. Love these, especially with the blossoms scattered about on the ground.

  2. they are beautiful ... let's go!

  3. Those cherry blossoms look so pretty. I always love a picnic in the park. Great pictures.

  4. if you dance and roll around in falling petals and nobody sees you, did it really happen?
    haha! do it!

  5. These give me spring fever, too! Wow!

  6. Happy photos, thank you.I love the way the Japanese make a special effort to see and enjoy the cherry blossom, indeed all the seasonal changes. The first image is brilliant.

  7. Oh how gorgeous! I'm hoping to score some cherry blossom branches this weekend, though it's still quite a bit nippy up here.

  8. Lovely and serene. Spring is so wonderful!

  9. What magic! I was just strolling through our local Japanese Garden with my husband at lunch enjoying the cherry blossoms -- which were beautiful, but not as luscious as these gorgeous photos!

  10. I love picnics! I can't wait to have our first one, if it ever warms up that is :)

  11. Beautiful picnic... makes me want to pack a basket and head out doors!

  12. Those cherry blossoms are in full bloom here in Georgia and you are absolutely right, they are spectacular! Unfortunately, the yellow pine pollen is getting ready to dust everything in sight, not so pretty.

  13. I love picnics and cherry blossoms! If this doesn't sing spring I don't know what does! xoxo

  14. great photos! i love a good picnic...off to check out your picnic links! xo.

  15. The photo of the men in suits under the cherry blossoms is too wonderful.

    Cherry blossoms are a wonderful thing.

  16. Very inspiring! I wish it was just a little warmer here.

  17. Lovely pictures! Here is still cold but Spring is coming :)

  18. We are truly lucky to be living in the land of cherry blossoms! And right now in Tokyo, evrywhere we go, if there's a cherry blossom tree, there's people around it with cameras!

  19. Woo Hoo.. I Just did my Hanami too.... So happy spring is coming..


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