Monday, March 16, 2009


I love these daily reminders by Erin Hanson featured on Design You Trust. Hanson says, "Colorful reminders spattered all about my house might make me more prone to living my life a little better. That or give the appearance that I am completely incapable of being an adult without visual aides." there with you Erin!


summer said...

these are brilliant!
i really need the "be on time" one.
what a marvelous idea.

Anonymous said...

these are AWESOME!

Megan @ Pink O'Clock said...

love these!

Wondering Helen said...

Wonderful! I'm thinking all three are phrases I need to see on a daily basis ... unfortunately :/ At least I know I'm in good company. Thanks for passing this along.

Anonymous said...

SO much better than post-its!

Joyce said...

Very cute and colorful!

Anonymous said...

I think these are great way to inspire yourself. I love the Go outside one.

please sir said...

YES - I need to see these phrases all the time too!

Cindy said...

i love these, especially the second one. i'd love to do it right now, but i just got into the office and the owner is by the front door ;).

jae said...

Very clever way to put something in your face without being your face.

Esti said...

How great are these!!

Simple Answer said...

You know what? I think that bed below "get up" is hideous. I'd have no trouble getting out of that bed!

Unknown said...

ha! these are so super cool (not to mention, prettier than the yellow post-it note reminders i have everywhere!)

nelya said...

SMILE! How fun!

Leciawp said...

Love these and the idea. I used to do that sort of thing with post its.

abigail said...

today is a good day to go outside!

Anonymous said...

I feel like these are talking to me. This morning, I slept in, now I am late, and it's raining and I don't want to go out. But they have now cheered me up. thanks.

Solid Frog said...

Love it!

Victoria said...

Fantastic! I could seriously use each one of these!

AMM blog said...

Makes me want to go buy some letters!

simplesong said...

these are so great. love the colors!

Rachel Follett said...

Does that "Go Outside" come in a poster size or a desktop background because I seriously need this.

picciolo said...

I like the 'get up' one particuarly!
: )

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

how cute! i think i need this too!

SimplyGrove said...

I love "Get Up"! Sometimes I need that reminder!

hmstrjam said...

like :)

Ann Marie said...

This is pretty freakin fabulous! Hope you Monday was swell!

erin@designcrisis said...

I could use all of these reminders today!

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

This would be perfect to put in a lazy teenagers room, in really bright, bold colors too!

Robin said...

Ooh, I have that clock in the top photo, but with a black frame... I might have to paint it blue now!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I could use Be On Time on my bedroom wall in a font the size of Texas. I am soooooo easily distracted lately!

purple area said...

Great idea, I could need one of those 'get up' signs!

knack said...

love these!

Julie @ Belle Maison said...

these are great! my husband need the "be on time" reminder!

limonana said...

i need me a few of those signs!

Jan said...

I needed that get up yesterday :) Love it.

Rachel said...

LOL!! I love that Erin's blog address is "recoveringlazyholic".
I'm a bit (okay, a bunch) of a lazyholic myself. Maybe these would be good for me.

Rose C'est La Vie said...

Could he make one for me, I wonder: 'A hundred better things to do than playing BEJEWELED on the computer'. I could keep adding to the list all over the house. This was a great post. And Thanks for visiting mine!

aimee said...

that last one - oh yes!

Helen said...

wow i love these! shouldn't the 'get up' one be on the ceiling though? i wouldn't see that lying in bed!

Toujours Dimanche said...

I agree... i think i have o brain, only reminders everywhere. I'm proud that paper exists.

Bonbon Oiseau said...

well said sister! i ahve a similar message on my wall that just says: "Put up your Dukes"..not exactly the same know...

Unknown said...

These are so simple, yet sometimes so necessary! Love them. -e

viva b. said...

love 'em!

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