Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sea Inspired

Escape to the seas with these enchanting embroideries by Oh My Cavalier! I love to see an artist merge traditional textile techniques with a modern sense of style. The results are beautiful and tend to have such a rich quality. These embroideries also tell a story and evoke a sense of adventure with pirates and mysterious sea lore. Ever since I saw these pieces I can't get them out of my imagination...which is a good thing!

After checking out Oh My Cavalier! be sure to also visit Julianna's inspiring Etsy shop and blog.


  1. I had no idea she did embroidery! These are incredible. Look at the depth of perspective in that top one? WOW!

  2. these are lovely, hey make you want to touch them
    : )

  3. Mmmm - just what I need for my "beach house"

  4. wow, i love this, pirate ships and giant squid... menacing yet delicate!

  5. Wow! These are remarkable! What a talent! The giant squid is my favourite - very "20,000 leagues under the sea"!

  6. Oh how lovely! These are gorgeous!!!

  7. The details are faboo! Thanks for posting this -- I hadn't seen it before.

  8. So lovely! Perfect for my (imaginary) beach house!


  9. oh these are adorable!!!! my mom used to do tons of embroidery. i must show these to her!!!!

  10. These are precious! I love the whale one!

  11. Hello dear Lady!

    TY for dropping by. I never forget you, though. Was browsing your blog pages to pages and some of your post makes me smile.

    Love all the clothes in the second to the recent post. SO, gorgeous spring clothes spec the yellow pants. I love buggy pants, I can die for.

    Hope your in the best of everything and take care.

    C u around...

  12. Very fun. The last one is my fave.

  13. These totally make me long for a needle and thread--I'm always so amazed at how many talented people there are out there!

  14. i LOVE these. so perfect for my bedroom/ lady cave!!!

  15. so pretty and nautical. I'm a sucker for anything with fish.

  16. MUST. LEARN. EMBROIDERY. So many crafts, so little time!

  17. I have always loved this craft. She is very talented.

  18. They are so lovely. Love the sea theme especially.

  19. I love that last one, just awesome :D

  20. ah super awesome!!! the last one is <3

  21. i'm definitely wanting to feel these! love the last one especially.

  22. These are very fun, a fresh spin on a vintage craft. And I have to say I love her shop name -- for some reason just seeing "Oh My Cavalier!" makes me smile.

  23. WOW! These are incredible. I don't believe I have ever seen such marine life captured through embroidery. You are totally right about the story and movement each piece captures.

  24. the embroidery really captures the movement of sea creatures so beautifully (not that i'm an expert on sea life).

  25. oh how i love embroideries! i used to try to do them when i was little, but ran out of patience half the time. anyhow, that last one is so detailed, it's amazing! really shows off the beauty and life of the sea.

  26. These are beautiful and so detail!!

  27. Ohh yes, so true, they are enchanting embroideries. I too love but when making I can't. Let me share your post with my mom, as she's living with embroiders and will be pleased to see this and Julianna's works.
    Big big thanks carissima Di for bringing this post. Hope spring there in NC and warms up you:)

  28. Ooooh, these are great. Lots of great detail + love the colors.

  29. exquisite! I love modern takes on embroidery.

  30. Such astonishing detail in those pieces - especially the squid one!

  31. I love it!!! I did a set of pillow cases for my friend last year,with diagrams of parasites to one side. (she is an entomologist) I wish I had time to do more!

  32. Oh that octopus & ship are so cool!

  33. These are really lovely. I live next to the ocean and love everything sea themed :)

  34. Wow, these are awesome! I love the whale. Really, I just love whales.

  35. yippee! I'm so excited about these, their amazing. I love the whale also--

  36. i love all things to do with the sea, the one of the octopus is my favorite!


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