Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vintage Dresses

I love these flirty, vintage dresses available on Apocalypse Vintage, a high-class/trash fashion institution based in Portland, OR. These dresses have a classic appeal while still making a colorful statement. Find these and many more vintage apparel pieces on Apocalypse Vintage's Etsy shop, eBay store and website. They also have a ton of men's fashions!


Jan said...

So cute Pleasie. Love the colors.

Anonymous said...

Flirty frocks indeed!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, these dresses are so my style. I even have a striped yellow and white one similar to the striped blue and green dress here. Plus, did you spot that gorgeous 60's tweed jacket? Perfect!

Shelley said...

Love the striped dress on the bottom! Your Etsy store has quite the beautiful selection!

Wondering Helen said...

I'm going to three weddings over the span of three weeks. I've decided, since each wedding is among a different group of friends, I'll buy one fancy dress and wear it each time (maybe, for my boyfriend's and my benefit, I'll mix up the accessories). Wish I could get my hands on one of these, specifically the bright blue with the skinny yellow belt!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

these dresses are gorgeous! another shop to track of! :)

Phone with a Cord said...

love the black and white striped and the blue :)

avant garde design said...

vintage anything is my weakness. i wore a vintage hat and dress as my going-away outfit when i got married. still have the dress. it's terribly romantic. :)

Sara Christine said...

The black and white stripey strapless number is FABULOUS. Something I would expect to see on the streets of Paris. :)

please sir said...

Oh yes it is very Parisian!

Unknown said...

love. vintage. everything.

Unknown said...

these are DIVINE!!! I'm with Maegan!

Anonymous said...

Ack -- I LOVE the black and white one in the top left!!

drollgirl said...

oh, i want the b&w ones, for sure!

Unknown said...

great cuts. love that blue.

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Vintage chic, love the styles!

Anonymous said...

they're gorgeous!

Deniz said...

they are absolutly gorgeous! thanks for the link :D

Anonymous said...

these are fantastic. I love a good vintage dress

Jolie Goodnight said...

Dresses like this remind me of having dreams where you go shopping and come home with all these amazing clothes. And then you wake up expecting to find those clothes in your closet and realize it was just a dream. I swear I've seen these dresses in a dream before. So sad.

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