Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Weekend

Hi guys! The electricity went off at work today, which meant I got to leave early! a snow day, but with no snow. I was thrilled and decided to enjoy the time and sunny day.

I hope you have a splendid weekend filled with happiness...kind of like these beautiful photographs by the talented Caitlin Duennebier. I'm heading to the Liberty Antiques Festival and look forward to plenty of vintage goodness. Check out previous shows here, here and here.

What are you up to this weekend?!


  1. have fun at the antiques festival and hope you find lots of good things at good prices. that's important.

  2. i want to be in your weekend! want a tag a long?

  3. Love these photos--there's such a story going on in them ...

    Find something strange and good for us at the festival. And report back!

  4. great photos! working today, saturday, at the shop then a wine and chocolate tasting at a beautiful golf course tomorrow, a busy work-type weekend, but they are feeding us dinner so that's a plus! :)

  5. what beautiful photos. Hope you have a spectacular weekend!

  6. oh, how fabulous that the electricity went out! i love those surprise moments when i'm liberated from an obligation. hope you enjoyed it - i'm sure you did!

  7. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  8. Lovely! Hope you had a lovely weekend!!

  9. YIPPPEE! What a hoot! I love these images, they express the delight perfectly :)

  10. Very nice images as usual. The weekend? It was chilly and a bit cold. So- we went to watch a movie of The Reader by Kate Winslet and Ralph Fiennes. It was fantastic!
    Hope you had a happy weekend, Di.

  11. I used to love it as a kid when the electricity went out. Cause out would come the candles and torches and the stories! Those pictures look so cute!

  12. that homemade tent is so romantic

  13. That homemade tent shot brings back lovely childhood memories!

  14. I'm going to built a tent in the backyard this weekend! Thanks for the spark of inspiration.


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