Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Parasol Magazine (and I'm in it!)

YAY! I'm super excited for the release of Parasol Magazine created by the talented Yasmine from A Print a Day. The magazine is gorgeous and chock-full of inspiring art and design. I'm flattered to have my vintage finds featured in this issue along with MANY amazing artists and designers. You don't want to miss your free copy HERE!

See the really awesome locker set in the picture? Don't worry vintage junkies...more photos and details coming up!


Anonymous said...

Wheee! Congrats, beautiful!

Anonymous said...

yeay!! congratulations!!

AMM blog said...

Yay!! Congrats Diana!

please sir said...

Thank you thank you!

Hey Harriet said...

That is super exciting news! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!!! The layout is delicious!!!! So very exciting

Kasey said...

congrats. so deserving...

jess@thehomebound said...

So cool! Congrats, going to check it out.

nelya said...

Congrats, how exciting Diana! I'm completely crazy in love with those lockers!!!

Going to check it out now!

yasmine said...

aw. i love vintage things diana! i'm glad you share that love too...your finds are always awesome :)

thanks girl.


Jessica said...

I am excited to see how this unfolds, congrats for being in the magazine

Unknown said...

I can not believe that mag, it is terrific!!!!!
Congrats and thanks for introducing it to me!

Diana said...

Yay! Congrats! well deserved! You have an eye for the beautiful

Ann Marie said...

This is a really nice write up. And, yes that storage unit is fabulous. We have a set of white old school lockers. Not even sure where they came from now. We keep them in the shed, but perhaps someday we'll bring them in and give them a new coat of paint.

jae said...

How have you not shared that vintage locker before? Saving it for impact....well, it had it! Congrats...really enjoyed the article.

Cindy said...

it was so great to see you in there! congratulations, i loved the article and your vintage things. i love the magazine, too.

Wondering Helen said...

Cheers, Diana! What a great magazine cover, too.

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

that is awesome! congrats!!

cassandra said...

how very cool!! i love how bloggers are creating these downloadable goodies. i may have to jump on that bandwagon myself! the vintage locker has me DROOLING! fantastic.

Netty said...

Well DONE! you deserve the credit!!!

Rachel said...

Yay! Let the locker jealousy ensue.

CashmereLibrarian said...

Thanks for sharing the mag link and congrats on your gorgeous spread!

Crave said...

Congrats!!! Very cool!

Joyce said...

Yeah... Congrats!! The lockers and the scale are so neat!

inkWELL Press said...

Great find - I can't wait to download it... and congrats on getting a spread!

Julia said...

This is so, so exciting! I'm off to download it!

hello gorgeous said...

Congrats! I have to check it out now.

Grace@PoeticHome said...

Congratulations Diana!!! I personally dig your style and aesthetic and am really excited to read your article!

Courtney said...

Congratulations Diana!! And I can't wait to hear more about those vintage lockers-- they are gorgeous!! xo

littlebyrd said...

That is wonderful!!!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I love your feature, Diana!! (And I want that thing you're sitting in front of. BADLY.) Big congrats!!

The House That A-M Built said...

How wonderful! Congratulations! You have such amazing style... no wonder...! A-M xx

drollgirl said...

congratulations!!! you must be stoked beyond belief! i bet you cannot even sit still!!! this is yuge! and congratulations -- well done. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! It looks FAB!

Martini said...

Woohoo! Congrats!

i.d. said...

That's awesome, congratulations dear!

Sophia said...

this is SO COOL.
congratulations, i'm downloading it right now :)

Maggie May said...

Congratulations and beautiful pictures!!

Dionne said...

Coolness. Congrats on being in it! Hooray!

Unknown said...

yay!! congratulations:) I love it here so I'm not surprised everyone else does too!!

Rose C'est La Vie said...

Parasol is stunning and you deserve to be included in it. Bravo! I love and want those clutch bags on your page.

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

OK, before I even started to read I was all, "WHAT is that fabulous locker she's been hiding from us?!?!?" ;-)

Congratulations on the piece! It is most excellent!

from the right bank said...

Congratulations! What an awesome feature and so well-deserved.

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

Congratulations, this is fantastic. I'm downloading my copy right now.

P.S. Thank you for your comment in my blog.

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

I forgot to tell you, I love your blog's name.

K.Line said...

This is amazing! Love the story about the locker...

aimee said...

grrreat! i can't wait to go check it out!

Hello Lindello said...

Congrats! Thats so awesome. Wow, checking it out right now...

Anonymous said...

Look at you all famous! Very exciting indeed---I'm off to download a copy!

Unknown said...


Victoria said...

Super-duper congratulations! Can't wait to check it out!

Leciawp said...

Congratulations!!!! sooo exciting. xoxo

Denise Kiggan said...

Fantastic! The Mag looks great too!

Anonymous said...

I'm really amazed by how good it turned out! I can't belive I'm feautured too amongst all those talanted people (YOU included off course, I loved your article!!)

Jan said...

Bravo bravo... You so deserve this Pleasie. That is so great.

The Rotary said...

Congrats! And yeah, gym locker envy all around.

Kat said...

Well, Well, Well Done! Great to see.

Stella said...

Congrats Diana!
I downloaded one copy of the mag :)

BRAVA! ^___^

Unknown said...

Yay! Congrats!

Dottie said...

congratulations, i always look forward to your finds!

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to see this gorgeous online mag with so many near and dear blog/twitter friends in it. Congrats and well deserved, Diana!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Good on you. You've got great stuff. I live my vintage shopping trips vicariously through you.

hmstrjam said...

so cool diana- i've never heard of this mag- will have to check it out!

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