Monday, April 13, 2009

S"il vous Plait

Happy Monday - I hope you had a wonderful weekend and a Happy Easter! I had a couple of days off and decided to enjoy them computer free. I love my laptop and blogging, but a break sure feels good. I've also been busy packing because I'm moving! Not a big move (more like an economical move) but it still requires sorting, wrapping and packing up all my belongings. I'll have a couple more whirlwind days before settling in, but I'm very excited!

I'm also excited about the lovely fashions by LauraLaura. They source the best second-hand 100% wool knitwear to hand embroider thoughts and create unique accessories from the forgotten. I love the idea and results - check out more fashions and accessories here.

How are things going? I'm looking forward to catching up!


  1. This is wonderful! I have a few slightly moth-chewed sweaters ... and I wonder if I could take up embroidery and make something like this. Thanks for the idea. And Happy Easter, Diana.

  2. I adore LauraLaura's wares! I've been ogling them for weeks now ...

  3. I agree sometimes it nice to have a couple of computer free days. I try to that on the weekends and only log on Sunday nights. So far it's been working.

    I love those sweaters. Very sweet.

  4. It is nice to be tech free every now and then. Happy Monday and Happy packing.

  5. Very CHARMing the stiching is imperfectly perfect! Glad you had a good short break...

  6. these are so lovely, i feel a diy project coming up ;)

  7. glad to hear you took a break - feels good, doesn't it? happy Monday to you!

  8. Glad you had a nice break. I'm curious to hear about your up coming move. Happy Monday!

  9. The clothes are super cute. Good lukc with your move. I've always enjoyed moving - the chance to go through every last one of your belongings, taking inventory and a new space to put them all in.

  10. Breaks are always good! It's nice to refresh every once in a while. Good luck with the upcoming move :)

  11. Oh, I am moving house too. It sucks. Hate it. So does my back.

  12. Yes...I've been taking weekend computer sabbaticals. 'Cause my house is starting to look a little craptacular, and there's soooo much I'm missing out on in the outside world!

    That said, happy to be back to see sweaters like these! Oh MY...and by LauraLaura. Clearly with that name she's fabulous. ;-)

    Good luck with the move!

  13. Fun! (Really like the Yippee one.)

    Good luck on your move, I hope that you will be very happy in your new digs!

  14. that sailor stitching one is super cute. today i wore new clothes!

  15. Best wishes for a swift and easy move...I know what you mean about breaking free of the computer for a few days, I did the same and it was quite enjoyable.

  16. I love blog and computer free's just bliss. Great to know you are moving and am sure for a better place too ;p

  17. so cute! love the one that says "yipee"!

  18. Oh, these are wonderful.What neat stitching. Love the ones with the writing across the back of the neck.

  19. I feel like I'm still in catch-up mode :) These frocks are fabulous! I love the writing!

  20. i've been thinking of taking a break from my internet as well for a full 48 hours. you sound so refreshed, like a mini vacay!

    i love these sweaters!!

  21. Totally in love with the red sweater = )

  22. What a fantastic idea! Very darling.

  23. these are so lovely, i feel a diy project coming up

    Work from home India

  24. the chance to go through every last one of your belongings, taking inventory and a new space to put them all in.

    Wagyu Steak


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