Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Naturalist

I'm quickly becoming addicted to my film camera. A quick glance into my purse will reveal spare film rolls and empty canisters. So, obviously I was like a giddy schoolgirl when the old Canon, Dave and I went to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. I had a sense of wonder inside the Naturalist Center, an interactive room filled with taxidermy animals, insect specimens and jars of dead sea life. I think I even did a happy dance at one point. You may be wondering - why the morbid joy? Well, I love when science collides with art and photography. There is something imaginative, even slightly off about these type of photographs. Like in these museum and science inspired posts - Animal Logic, The Mounted Life and my favorite Natural Exhibits.

Hopefully you understand my odd curiosity for these objects...or else you think I'm a crazy person posting gross stuff on my blog. I'm not...really I'm not! Just a little crazy about science and photography...hope you enjoy.

Oh, and isn't the wild, teeth bearing animal a little insane? I included it for a good laugh...boy, sometimes I feel like that in the morning!


  1. I LOVE this series. I'm getting addicted my film camera too.

  2. I completely understand! I miss film so much and I've taken to scanning old prints. Also, I am fascinated by these photos you've shared. I love going to the Museum of Natural History and seeing these things.

  3. I love these. I have been dying to some local museums in boston to do the same. I too have a film camera I recently unearthed.

    Great job!

  4. You know I love dead stuffed animals, rocks, and any other curiosities you can conjure up. Great job with the film indoors, too! Tough lighting conditions, but your pics look great.

  5. these are awesome! i love the red coral and the butterflies especially!

  6. I'm fascinated by taxidermy, too ... something about it is vaguely magical. If a tad creepy. ;)

  7. Simply adore the shells, the coral, and the branch. Understand but not so sure about the jars...especially the cute little turtle...looks like he was trying to get out. Still it looks like an interesting day.

  8. the butterflies are beautiful and sad. And I understand your curiosity... :)

  9. No, you're not crazy, and those are some great photos.

  10. ::I love when science collides with art and photography. -> Yes, me too! Coming from a heavy science-filled years in my back, so I enjoy seeings science related posts, graphics, even designs. That's why I like to pop over your journal. Very cool and rich content Di. Feed us please:)

    ::you understand my odd curiosity for these objects. -> I do. I do perfectly you. Because I too have such curiosity in me, and science is the most essential thing in our lives. Not an odd but you're perfect:)

    Been to NC but not this Science Museum. Added into my wishlist, a must that I need to visit.

  11. great photos! you've officially inspired me to get out my film camera and start using it!

  12. We use to live within walking distance to a wonderful natural history and science museum, and I loved taking my girls there when they were little.
    Good stuff, and great photos!

  13. Not gross at all! Very fascinating - I love natural things and you have captured them so beautifully here!

  14. I once had a design client whose hubby did taxidermy animals... and her house was full of them... very spooky! My assistant scream when she turned around and walked right into a HUGE stuffed bird... it was a good laugh!
    It is quite a process!

  15. I think the teeth bearing little animal is a wolverine...I could be wrong, not sure! We have a museum just like this one at Sydney Uni - I enjoy wandering around it too - your photos are terrific!

  16. I love it, this totally reminds me of my fifth grade science teacher's classroom which was filled with jars like this! If anyone had anything removed, tonsils, gallbladder, etc, they would have it put in a jar and contribute it to his collection. Beautiful photos...

  17. Thanks for all your comments! Oh Emily that sounds like quite an odd collection!

  18. I don't think your crazy at all! I love this stuff...and your pictures!

  19. So nice to see you playing around with film! These shots are great...The lighting in each photo is really great!

  20. Beautiful!!!! So crystal clear and at the same time artful. Beautifully composed and executed (maybe I shouldn't use 'executed' when speaking of dead animals)...anyway, morbid works for you!

  21. I love all these shots! You're not crazy at all. Or we're both crazy. Whatever. Science museums are the best.

  22. i LOVE the butterfly shot. gorgeous.

  23. I gotta say, the jars full of specimens are kinda awesome... :)

  24. love this post!! it makes me want to go to a natural history museum, STAT!!!!!!!! the butterflies? the feathers? the tortoise shells? just fantastic stuff!

  25. I can smell the museum mustiness when looking at these pics

  26. Beautiful and creepy - I tend to love the insects and butterflies...although some of the weird sea creatures catch my eye;) nice shots!

  27. Not going to lie, I was definitely wondering where this post was going, but I do adore photography and just about anything. So, I will embrace this post and go back and enjoy the photography.. instead of cringing at the turtle hanging out in the jar.

  28. cool! i love seeing your artistic experiments - those are my favorite posts.

  29. these are awesome - they look very old fashioned somehow. i love the butterfly collection! i want to frame one on the wall

  30. I love it all.
    I recently had the opportunity to inherit a stuffed coyote. . . if only my apartment was bigger * * *

  31. These pictures are exceptional, just fascinating. Who doesn't love natural history museum?

  32. oh my, your photos are amazing! you are SO talented.

  33. Your photos are truly great, your not crazy at all. I really like the various drawer and jar images.

  34. these are wonderful! you really are so talented. :) i look forward to your posts every day!

  35. These photos are fantastic. I personally have a love yet creeped out relationship with the whole naturalist thing.

  36. curiosities are so fascinating! For that, I would love love love to go to London to visit all their medical history museums!

  37. so fun, i love taxidermy, such inspiration from the natural world!!

  38. I think there is something wonderful about real film cameras, the anticipation to see what the pictures look like!!
    These are really wonderful! See the difference between you and I is that I too like to take pictures, but I am not nearly as talented as you are!!! ;-)

  39. Oh my goodness. I am both delighted and repelled by these images at the same time! So pretty. So ugly. Just perfect. :)

  40. These photos remind me of a shop I used to poke around in that was near the Museum of Natural History in NYC. All sorts of curiosites and wonders.

  41. i LOVE the classified shell pics... do you have more?
    Fog & Thistle: that store had human skulls in it & it freaked me out!

  42. I have always had a strange attraction to just these very things. Your photos feel like a fabulous victorian cabinet of curiosities...there is something completely enchanting and mesmerizing about these objects. Well done!

  43. these photos are amazing, diana! you're so good with that camera of yours! :) i'm totally fascinated by stuff like that, too. :)

  44. You are a real talent with the camera -- these shots are awesome!

  45. I'm a newcomer to your blog, and this post will be the reason I come back. I love the photographs. And the idea of you doing a happy dance. And I love the bear.

    They are really wonderful pics!


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