Thursday, April 2, 2009

Vintage Find: Locker Set

Drumrollllll! As seen in Parasol Magazine this old school, gym locker set is one of my favorite vintage finds. If I could marry the locker set we would have already eloped and had locker set babies. Yes, it's true love. Several years ago I saw it boldly standing in Father & Sons Antiques and thought...I must have it! At the time I was a poor college student, but I got together the $250.00 and never looked back...

Besides the locker's industrial look and functional storage, the details are the best part. Like the hand-scribbled text describing what each basket used to contain and the little bits of rust lining the frame. These details are the history, the story...I couldn't bear to cover it up with paint or sticky labels. Instead I left it alone and used magnets to label the baskets with my own contents.

I was excited to discover other locker sets were finding new homes too. Like this Atlanta home featured on Poppytalk. I love the color on the frame and their use of scattered baskets and dishes. In future awesome house I may do something similar...we'll see. For now, me and the locker set continue our love affair as it moves around with me, gets taken apart and put back together, and then lovingly stuffed with supplies.

{last three images via Poppytalk & Country Living}


Phone with a Cord said...

STOP! this is so amazing. I don't blame you for such a strong love :)

Jill said...

what a great find! it really is a piece you will use forever. i love this. and i already imagined having one in my house...

abigail said...

awesome. I wish I could have one of those imaginary locker set babies!

jae said...

So glad you did'll have this piece forever....i'm imagining all the many ways I (I mean you) could use it.

please sir said...

Thanks so much - yes I have a deep love for it! Wish I really could make some locker set babies!

Michelle Parks McCourt said...

great find! i'll check out parasol too.

Laura. said...

i want one!

amy merrick said...

Look how cute you are. It's amazing, you're amazing!

susie q said...

If you have locker set babies, can I adopt one! You, by the way, are beautiful!!

Unknown said...

I love it!!!
I do not think that there are similar pieces here!

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

that is freakin amazing, lol. what an awesome find. so many uses, too!

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Oh great find! That's one of the purchases you make and think... "I probably shouldn't" But even years later you are sooo glad you did!
We love the writing on them too!
Karla & Karrie

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

how absolutely amazing! you look so happy too, I need one!! :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome, what a great find!

Rachel said...

Gah! I love it! I think it might be the best $250 you ever spent.

Kierstin Bridger said...

Best thing about locker babies--you don't have to shell out any cash for college!
These are so good! Would love them in my mud room!

Deniz said...

i love love love it!
such a great storage and wonderful feature!

summer said...

and so gorgeous and so practical.
i must find some.

Grace@PoeticHome said...

I'm absolutely in love with your locker set. If you have locker babies, could you consider letting me adopt just one?

Jane Flanagan said...

I love this - what a great find!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

{blink} {blink} {blink} {blink}.

(That is me, speechless. ;-)

I, too, would like to adopt a locker baby and hope for considerable procreation. This is FABULOUS!

Sharon said...

wow, this is a great find indeed!

Couture Carrie said...

Oh how wonderful! We had those lockers at the swimming pool I went to as a child in CT!


Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

Love them and you are so CUTE!

Karen said...

I can't even begin to tell you how awesome that it!

Amber said...

This is so cool, and it would work in every room. Thank you for the compliment on my dessert plates. I am quite honored by you.

Stella said...


Julia said...

Oh my gosh, it's incredible! So much taller than I would have thought! How did you find room for it :)

Unknown said...

can i adopt one of your locker babies when you guys do finally decide to tie the knot?

Sam said...

That is a real family heirloom, isn't it? You'll have it forever and never get sick of it - it must have really spoken to you for you to pay $250 for it as a student! Such an investment!

peachey said...

i want to have an affair with your locker set.

Sara Christine said...

OMG that locker set is completely, utterly, and totally RAD.

Unknown said...

Truly the one of the best vintage finds ever. -e

Rachel Follett said...

WOW! You are so stoked! I love this look!

Unknown said...

Sheesh - we never had lockers like that in Australia! They are unreal

duet letterpress said...

i love love love it! the detail? wonderful! congrats on a fabulous find.

Anonymous said...

Okay, not only do I love the locker, but I just adore your dressform with the diana camera hanging off it! and it's extra cool because your name is diana too! (i'm so easily amused...)

Lynne said...

That is seriously cool. I love old metal lockers. Totally fabulous!

Alyssa said...

$250 bucks?!?! I am so envious of your beauty:)

Anonymous said...

oh my GOD, I'm so ridiculously jealous of that locker set!! It is amazing. And I need to go find whoever's house that is in Atlanta so I can see it in person and in action. :) WOW! (and ps-- a treasured friend is someone that will put a button link to my blog on theirs and who will also give me a button for their blog to put on mine! want in? :) )

Cindy said...

i never thought i would say this, but i have locker envy. i'd happily adopt a locker baby, too ;)!

Leah said...

That was an awesome find. I buy up vintage metal locker bins when they show up on eBay for reasonable a price, but would KILL to have a complete set including shelves like yours. Absolutely green with envy! ;-)

Unknown said...

I just fell in love with these photographs! Love the idea!

aimee said...

of course i love it, but what i love even more is that you HAD to have it and you found a way. and that is a mighty cute photo of you.

Abbey Goes Design Scouting said...

This is fantastic!

jasmine said...

your locker set is amazing! so cool! i think my boyfriend would absolutely love these. i love the other spaces you showed with the lockers too. i had honestly never seen this before. thanks!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Smiling at thought of locker set babies. :)

drollgirl said...

i love it so much it hurts.

Cassie said...

It's a great piece. Cheers to you!

jess@thehomebound said...

That is just insanely cool! Great, great piece.

Unknown said...

!!! you are so clever!!!

Leciawp said...

So so so great!!!

Hannah Stephenson said...

I love your blog!! Consider yourself followed :).

Katie Wilkes said...

FUN! It's so clever and incredibly practical!

limonana said...

this is the raddest find ever! seriously, i've never seen a more creative system of storage.

*SNYdesign said...

Hahahahaha! What a great post! And yes, I would probably marry the locker too! Never seen such a prime example of a "lovely raw" locker! Keep up the good work, and have a smashing easter:)

Anonymous said...

Suffice to say I am mad with envy over your gorgeous locker. How I would love one in my studio or the kids' playroom!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and that picture of you with your locker? Looks like a cover of a magazine it is so perfect! More envy, aaaah!

paula said...

how I would love to get my hands on a set of these. So happy you did!

Julie @ Belle Maison said...

oh wow! who knew a locker set could be so cool?! i would love one of these!

Victoria said...

Truly fabulous find, I now want... (Plus the bins look like they could double as cheese graters!)

Holly said...

im loving the 3 pendant lights. so stylish

Jessica said...

I love that, how great! :)

Hello Lindello said...

lucky duck. That locker is awesome and it looks great how you have it. So do you!

avant garde design said...

how lucky you are, those are great! i too love the element of metal added to spaces. especially worn pieces like that!

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

What a resourceful way to use a vintage find!

Anonymous said...

awww mannn......this is so beautiful

Ada Rosman said...

Love it! Such a wonderful piece....wish I could have one. :)

design for mankind said...

love these--- and ha! 68 comments! i must not be the only one! :)

suzanne cabrera said...

I AM SO IN LOVE!!!! Beautiful! And what a steal...

Pink Wallpaper said...

oh WOW, i am soooooooo jealous!!

home before dark said...

Great find and great story. Could it get any better?

sauvageblue said...

Love your locker! I have collected a few locker drawers, they are special...

Revolution Malibu said...

So love this idea!!!

Kaylovesvintage said...

amzing...really nice

mary said...

OK, so I'm WAY behind in blog-reading...but I saw your piece in Parasol and I loved it! This locker set is KILLER. Yay for you!! :)

Unknown said...

It's a very interesting blog. Thanks for this great post.

vintage metal lockers for sale

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