Friday, May 22, 2009

Beach Getaway

Happy Friday! The week turned out to be more hectic than I anticipated so I'm glad it's finally over. Now I can enjoy the Memorial Day weekend! I'm heading to the beach and I CAN'T WAIT. I'm ready for a little R&R in the sun and sand. These vintage photos from H.A.M.B. remind me just how fun the beach can be. Looks like all you needed back then was a cool car, surfboards, wine and even a little painting. Pretty great right?

Have a great weekend - see you on the surf!


  1. sounds great ... just never turn your back on it or you'll be swimming with the fishes ;).

  2. That DOES sound great. Enjoy the beach!

  3. Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! All these photos - YES. This is just exactly what I want to do this weekend! Enjoy the 3-day break. xo

  4. enjoy your weekend! those photos are incredible; thanks so much for sharing.

  5. Have so much fun this weekend! Sounds like the ideal plan.

  6. How cool was that era! I LOVE these images. I think I was born 20 years too late! Closet Gidget! Enjoy your break! A-M xx

  7. Have fun! I cant wait until we can take the kids back to the beach.

  8. Great photos! Hope you have a super weekend!

  9. Hope you had a good relaxing weekend dear! Those shots looks amazing. I want to be there:)

  10. Super photos! Hope you had a lovely relaxing time at the beach and are now feeling all refreshed for the new week :)

  11. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I just adore the images.

  12. beautiful pictures! and Happy happy birthday! (sorry i'm late, but I read the post today)

  13. Awesome! I think we should all have Gidget summers!

  14. sigh...just love these photos...hope you had some serious fun!

  15. REALLY great! hope you had a great weekend!

  16. i hope you had a great time!
    i could use a beach trip myself.

  17. This photos have made me more excited about summer than anything else. Yay!

  18. I would love to live the 50s surf lifestyle for a day! It seems so simple in a good way. Their biggest concern was probably catching the next wave! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Hi D!
    Great pics. I hope the vacay had a little of everything on your agenda. That just sounded perfect:)

  20. Great photos!! what a great life!!

  21. I know this post is from ages ago (in blog days at least :-) but I couldn't not comment. Hoo boy I lovvvveeee vintage surf photos. Thanks for sharing these gems!


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