Saturday, May 2, 2009

Color & Collections at Liberty

Hello, hello! How are ya doing? My days are consumed with work and playing Dr. Quinn for my boyfriend (he had minor surgery and he's doing good). I'm sorry for the disappearing act, but I'm here and bring along the final photos from the Liberty Antique Festival illustrating great color and collections.

The vintage picnic set = amazing. I thought it was one of the most inspiring pieces at the show, and would be perfect for a photo shoot or just to have. There was also colorful bowls, vintage pendant flags, an aluminum pitcher set, an old grocery basket, a large and amazing vanity set, vintage lighting, and a oh-so-neat collection of toy horses. I think horses might be the next must-have animal (think deer and owls from last year). I've seen more and more toy horses hit the vintage scene and become widely popular. We'll see!

Did you find any vintage goodies this weekend? I look forward to catching up!

Did you miss the Liberty posts? Check out Found Font and Furniture.


.kate said...

ive decided that when we win the lottery, we can travel the world and seek all sorts of different treasures.


Chelsea said...

Swoon! Loving these posts.

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Excellent finds. Picnic basket is so pretty.

Jan said...

Love the colors. I was just thinking about a picnic today. That is just a lovely picnic display.

Rose C'est La Vie said...

I am so enjoying this 'junk' - no it's brilliant. I want that stripey trug basket thing and the vanity case. thanks for this.

jae said...

The picnic basket and the aluminum pitcher set = amazing!

Unknown said...

and i've been so caught up myself that i've been missing out on your great posts!

i'd love to own those bowls in the second photo.

wishing your guy a speedy recovery.

Laura. said...

these posts are amazing. so much beautiful stuff! the picnic set is soooo cool!

jasmine said...

oooo! i love the picnic set on top! i've got a thing for picnic baskets.

drollgirl said...

oh!!! thanks to you and this post i am ready to go on a romantic picnic right now!!!! oh, that would be so fun. maybe next weekend! must plot and scheme for this right now. :)

Josephine said...

the silver cups and decanter set would be perfect to hold flowers to act as centerpieces :) i'm looking forward to hitting more outdoor markets as soon as the rainy days clear.

Sharon said...

Hi, just passing by to let you know that LiveYourStyle is celebrating its 1st anniversary and hosting a giveaway!

nath said...

Oh yes. What a great trio of posts - almost as good as being there!

I managed to fit in a flea market and two carboot sales this weekend and naturally came home with a whole bunch of stuff.

I'm so with you re the horses. I have been buying a few recently, but I'm always partial to an owl or a deer.

Mr Lee said...

Thanks for leaving comments on our blog.So kind words.
We would like to further exchange with you.We hope we can keep in touch!
Best wishes.

Cindy said...

love the picnic basket, dr. quinn. hope your guy is feeling better and you, too.

Anonymous said...

wow, yes, that picnic set is indeed amazing!! it makes me want to go on picnics more often!

Helen said...

ahhh i want that picnic set! i dream of having a lovely picnic basket and having picnics every weekend in meadows

montague said...

i'd love to get my hands on that top set!

and ps: thanks for stopping by and saying hello! it's good to be back!

Lia said...

I've never seen a vanity set in a case like that...imagine getting that as a gift once upon a time! My son collected plastic horses as a child in the 80s and I am saving them for his children.

Amanda said...

Picnics! Horsies! PICNICS!

paula said...

that picnic basket would make eating outside extra special.

Anonymous said...

I actually DID snag a cool vintage find! We've been looking for a new dining room table and just for fun I stopped at an antique co-op I'd never seen before. shoved back in a corner was a scratched-up oak table that was originally used as a work desk in the labs at the University of Oklahoma! It even had a metal tag with the cereal number on it. We scored it for under a $100!

I'm really loving all these pictures from Liberty!

sue@solsticehome said...

thanks for introducing me to the liberty antiques looked amazing! I'll be heading to the brimfield show next week..story & photos on my blog after. Oh and thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog, so sweet of you.

Hey Harriet said...

What an amazing festival! Love that picnic set. Actually I love it all!

Julia said...

You snapped some incredible photos, deary! I can tell through the photos, you had a good time :)

I want to take that picnic basket with me!

megan said...

love these, diana! :) and glad to hear your boyfriend is doing well!

annechovie said...

What neat finds! Have a great week.

Unknown said...

i LOVE the toy horses. It's so popular even Etsy has a category for Equestrian theme items! I did! I did make a lovely vintage find! I bought a 1960s dress that I'm going to convert into a shirt dress. I can't wait~

erin@designcrisis said...

Hope bf is doing well.

Love the picnic basket and vintage tea set (?).

I've always wanted one.

Diana said...

i love the picnic basket set! you have a great eye for these places

Christina said...

i was thinking recently that i would love a good picnic set. that first one is absolutely perfect!

Rachel said...

Gah! I was too lazy to make it out to the flea market yesterday and now I'm kicking myself.

Angela said...

the first picnic basket is sooo darling. i need to go on a picnic.

Anonymous said...

Hi there!
Did you by chance email me a bit ago for an image for a header?? I think I may have deleted it on acident... If it was you, I would love to help you out! Let me know!

inkWELL Press said...

I'm in love with those light fixtures. swoon.

picciolo said...

love everything you have found, I hope your boyfriend gets better soon
: )

Solid Frog said...

Looks really inspiring and the weekend was made for picnic.

Prêt à Voyager said...

ha! love the dr. quinn comment. best of luck with that. . . great finds too!!


aimee said...

great splashes of color! how much fun it must be to tootle around to each booth and look for goodies to photograph!

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE the picnic basket! I can smell the French bread, cheese and anticipate the red wine... YUM... I have visions in my head!

Caroline said...

I LOVE that picnic set! It would make the most perfect wedding gift (if not a gift for ones self ;-) )

simplesong said...

Amazing finds as always! Love the pops of colors.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!!! My boyfriend just had two surgeries, so I know how you feel. And I'm not meant to be a nurse, I've found out :)

Rachel Follett said...

I adore that incredible brush set! How nice of you to be a nurse for your boyfriend! I am sure he is loving it!

ticklishfromadistance said...

Great stuff!!!!!

Second Hand Sally said...

I love these!! Second Hand Sally is so envious! Great treasures!

hmstrjam said...

great finds, love the photos! those horses rock!

Leciawp said...

love the picnic set so much!! Hope your boyfriend continues to be on the mend.

Unknown said...

Ah...Nice, I'd buy that vintage set if I were there :P

Chubby Chieque said...

Ahhh... what a wonderfuö vintage things there. Ready for picnic.


Unknown said...

i SERIOUSLY need to get on finding more antique shows in my area - you always find the coolest things at yours!

Chris said...

Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous! I love these, especially the picnic basket. I saw one at Goodwill but it was kind of icky and broken. There's a local outdoor antique sale coming up in a month near me, and I'm so excited to go!

Grace@PoeticHome said...

I'm head over heels regarding what you saw!! I am running now to catch up on your marvelous experience and photos.

jen jafarzadeh said...

that might be the best picnic set I've ever seen. must have been so much fun browsing around!

carolina bleu said...

love love love the horses!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

Still. Drooling. :-)

Oh, sister...wait 'til you see what I scored this weekend! (Need to get my act together and post.) It was a very good yard sale weekend. Among my treasures...a vintage English picnic basket! :-) It's not as complete as the one in your picture but has the original enamelware dishes and storage bins. I'm going to use it to store crafty supplies, I think.

kate said...

Thanks for sharing the vintage picnic set. It is not often you see these in such good shape.

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